
Summary of Degree Requirements

Students admitted to the University prior to AU 2022:

General Education Curriculum

Students admitted to the University during AU 2022 or after:

Foundations Courses 

Program requirements may satisfy the General Education requirements as noted below. Core program courses noted below for the HW major.

TOTAL: 32-39 Credit Hours

Natural Sciences

-Biology 1101, 1110 or 1113
-Anatomy 2300, 3300 or EEOB 2510
-Physiology 3200 or EEOB 2520
-HUMNNTR 2410 Science of Human Nutrition or HUMNNTR 2310 Fundamentals of Nutrition

Social Sciences

-Sociology 1101 Introduction to Sociology


-English 1110 Writing and Information Literacy

HW Core Course Requirements

– PSYCH 2303 Positive Psychology
– HDFS 2400 Human Development
– HW 2102 Evidence-based Strategies to Optimize Health, Happiness and Well-being
– HW 2200 Introduction to Health Literacy
– HW 2210 Dimensions of Wellness & Resilience
– HW 2220 Wellness in Chronic Conditions
– HW 2780 Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice
PUBHLTH 2010 Introduction to Global Public Health or PUBHHBP 3510 Role of Behavior in Public Health
– NUR 2367 Writing About Healthcare Issues in the United States
– BUSMHR 2500 Business Entrepreneurship
– SOCIOL 3306  Sociology of Poverty
– HW 3220  Health Promotion Strategies for People with Chronic Conditions
– HW 3230 Coaching for Health Improvement
– HW 3240 Health Program Planning & Evaluation
– HW 3490 Technology-Based Health Promotion Strategies
– HW 3430 Integrating Culture in Healthcare
– NURS 4150 Epidemiology Concepts in Nursing and Global Healthcare
– SOCIOL 5629 Health Disparities is Social Context
– HW 4300.01 Practicum I
– HW 4300.02 Practicum II
– Elective Course Work (12 hours)

TOTAL: 120 Credit Hours

Students need to meet 120 credit hours total for the HW degree.

Course Descriptions