
At the end of each semester, the Undergraduate Studies Committee reviews the academic progress of undergraduate students.  For students in academic difficulty, the action taken by this committee is governed by two sets of policies–those of the university and those of the College of Nursing.

Review the following University policies:

Grade Forgiveness

Please note: While we will honor this policy in the College of Nursing, it does not supersede or replace our progression policy. 


As stated in Faculty Rule 3335-9-25(B), “if at any time the preparation, progress, or success of a student in an academic program is determined to be unsatisfactory, the college or school in which the student is registered shall be empowered to place the student on academic probation.”

Students are notified in writing of being placed on probation by special action. Special action probation alerts the student to the need for improved achievement in the area(s) of deficiency in order to continue in the program.

Students will be placed on probation by special action in the College of Nursing for the following:

  1. A cumulative point-hour ratio below a 2.00.
  2. If a grade of “C, C-,” “D+,” “D,” “E,” “W,” or “U” is earned in a nursing course during a semester; and students will be required to repeat the course(s), with a grade of “C+” or better

Probation by special action will be removed after the student achieves two consecutive semesters of satisfactory academic progression (C+ or higher, no “W” or “U”) in nursing course work


Disenrollment from the College of Nursing

After being placed on probation by special action, a student may be disenrolled from the College of Nursing for any of the following reasons:

  1. Lack of progress evidenced by:
    1. If a grade of “C, C-, D, E, W, or U” is earned in one required nursing or major core courses
    2. failure to earn a cumulative point-hour ratio above a 2.00

Students disenrolled from the College of Nursing have the option to transfer to another academic unit if their academic standing in the university is satisfactory. Students may petition for reinstatement to the college after one academic term if their cumulative point hour ratio is 2.0 or higher.  The petition will be reviewed by Undergraduate Studies Committee.  Space availability within courses and clinical sites is considered when reviewing petitions for reinstatements.


Progression and Remediation Policy

Student Success Plan (SSP):

A student may be considered for a Student Success Plan (SSP) if the clinical/lab objectives identified on a clinical evaluation tool related to accountability, professionalism, and/or use of the nursing process are not being met. The objective(s) not being met will be identified on the SSP to delineate specific areas that a student must improve to succeed in the program and grow as a developing professional in the practice of nursing. Failure to meet the clinical/lab objectives listed on the clinical evaluation tool will demonstrate a lack of progression in clinical/lab.  A student who is not meeting clinical/lab objectives as identified on the clinical evaluation tool for the course will not pass the course as identified in the syllabus for that course.

Program-Wide Student Success Plan (PW-SSP):

If a student successfully meets the objectives of a previous performance improvement plan, but demonstrates reoccurring patterns of not meeting objectives in a second nursing course, a Program-Wide Student Success Plan (PW-SSP) will be initiated. This plan will be transferred to each nursing course for the remainder of the prelicensure program. Failure to meet the clinical/lab objectives as identified on the PW-SSP or any objectives listed on the clinical evaluation tool, will result in a lack of progression.  A student who is not meeting clinical/lab objectives as identified on the clinical evaluation tool for the course will not pass the course as identified in the syllabus for that course.

Probationary Progression SSP (PP-SSP)  

A student may be considered for a probationary progression SSP if they are not meeting clinical or lab performance objective(s) in the course where there is insufficient time to establish a pattern of satisfactory performance. Any behavior related to safety concerns would not be eligible for a PP-SSP and may result in an immediate clinical failure.   

The PP-SSP will transfer to the next clinical course only. A student who is not progressing satisfactorily or meeting the clinical/lab objective(s) in the subsequent clinical course may not pass the clinical course in which they are enrolled. A student who progresses satisfactorily and meets the clinical/lab objective(s) in the subsequent clinical course will have met the requirements of the PP-SSP. 


A student who failed the course based on clinical performance will be required to complete remediation prior to repeating the course. Based upon student learning needs, the Director for Prelicensure Programs will recommend a remediation plan to the Undergraduate Studies Committee. The student will be required to successfully complete the remediation plan to progress in the program. The remediation plan may include activities to be completed prior to the start of the semester and/or a 1-credit hour independent study course. 

Leave of Absence

Students are expected to complete the nursing curriculum in a timely and sequential manner.  Students needing a leave of absence from the program are required to submit a petition to the Undergraduate Studies Committee. Students will then need to submit a petition to reactivate when seeking to return to the program. Space availability within courses and clinical sites is considered when reviewing petitions for reactivation. If there is not space availability, the petition to reactivate may be denied.

Withdrawal from Program

Students that withdraw from the BSN program/ College of Nursing, to include major changes, will be required to submit a petition to reactivate to the BSN program if they seek to return. Space availability within courses and clinical sites is considered when reviewing petitions for reactivation. If there is not space availability, the petition to reactivate may be denied.

The Curriculum Petition, Petition to Reactivate, and the Petition for Reinstatement can be found here.


Students reactivating into the program will be held responsible for the policies and curriculum in the handbook for the academic year of reactivation.