Course Descriptions

  • N 2105 Introduction to Professional Nursing Practice: Exploration of personal and professional topics designed to assist in promoting successful transition to the nursing profession in a rapidly changing healthcare environment.
    • Prereq: Admission to the BSNa Option Program
  • N 2420 A Nursing Perspective: Life Span Development of Individuals Within a Family Context: Study of growth and development of individuals within a family context from conception to death with an emphasis on assessment and interventions utilized in Nursing practice.
    • Prereq: Admission to the Nursing major
  • N2451: Nursing Pathophysiology & Pharmacology I- Study of introductory concepts in pathophysiology and pharmacology as a scientific foundation for nursing practice
    • Prereq: Enrollment in BSN traditional program; or enrollment in aBSN program; or permission of instructor.
  • N 2452: Nursing Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II- Study of applied concepts in pathophysiology and pharmacology as a scientific foundation for nursing practice.
    • Prereq: Nursing 2451, and enrollment in BSN traditional program; or enrollment in aBSN program; or permission of instructor.
  • N 2782 Foundational Principles of Evidence- Based Practice and Nursing Science: Introduction to and application of foundational concepts, skills and competencies of evidence-based practice (EBP), to support implementation to improve practice and outcomes. Includes overview of research methodologies, concepts and ethics to build critical appraisal skills.
    • Prereq: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program; or enrollment in aBSN program.
  • N 3260 Nursing care of Children and their Families: Nursing knowledge and clinical practice essential to caring for children and their families.
    • Prereq: 1100 or 5115; and 2200, 2201, 2271, 2272, 2451, 2452, 2500, and 2782; and Micrbio 4000; and HumnNtr 2210, 2310, or 2410; and enrollment in BSN traditional program; or permission of instructor.
  • N 3275 Adult Nursing I: Nursing knowledge and clinical practice essential for the care of the adult with acute and chronic health alterations across the lifespan.
    • Prereq: Enrollment in the BSNa option program.
  • N 3276 Adult Nursing II: Nursing knowledge and clinical practice essential for the care of the adult and older adult experiencing acute and critical health alterations.
    • Prereq: 3275, and enrollment in the BSNa option program.
  • N 3280 Nursing Care of women and Families during Reproductive Transitions: Nursing knowledge and clinical practice essential to caring for women and their families during reproductive transitions.
    • Prereq: 1100 or 5115; and 2200, 2201, 2271, 2272, 2451, 2452, 2500, and 2782; and Micrbio 4000; and HumnNtr 2210, 2310, or 2410; and enrollment in BSN traditional program; or permission of instructor.
  • N 3430 Cultural Competence in Health Care: US and Global Contexts: Introduction to concepts and techniques for the provision of culturally competent care within the U.S. and across global contexts.
    • Prereq: Enrollment in the Nursing major.  Not open to students with credit for 440.
  • N 4240s Concepts in Community Health Nursing: Study of community health nursing theory and principles applied to the nursing care of individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations.
    • Prereq: 2270, 3270, and 4260; or enrollment in the aBSN program.
  • N 4341 Nursing Clinical Judgement in the Care of Psychiatric and Mental Health Conditions: This course will apply nursing knowledge in the promotion of mental health and recovery of individuals with psychiatric diagnoses and their families.
    • Prereq: 3240, 3260, 3271, 3272, 3280, 3460, and 3780 and enrollment in the BSN traditional program or permission of instructor.
  •  N 4401 Innovative Strategies in Leadership and Systems-based Practice: This course will address leadership and management concepts as applied to nursing practice and system-based approaches in a variety of healthcare settings.
    • Prereq: 3240, 3260, 3271, 3272, 3280, 3460, and 3780 and enrollment in the BSN traditional program or permission of instructor
  • N 4402 Synthesis of Nursing Practice and Patient Care in Complex Healthcare Systems: This course will address transition to professional nursing in the last year of the nursing program.
    • Prereq: 3240, 3260, 3271, 3272, 3280, 3460, 3780, and enrollment in the BSN traditional program or permission of instructor
  • N 4525 Quality, Safety, and Informatics: This course will provide a synthesis of informatics processes and technologies that are used to manage and improve the delivery of safe, high-quality, and efficient healthcare services in accordance with best practice and professional and regulatory standards.
    • Prereq: 3276, 4240s, 4341, and enrollment in the BSNa option program
  • N 4590 Practicum for the Utilization of Nursing Clinical Judgement: The transition to professional nursing practice integrates a full practicum experience in the last year of the nursing program.
    • Prereq: 3240, 3260, 3271, 3272, 3280, 3460, 3780, and enrollment in the BSN traditional program or permission of instructor
  • N5115:MINDSTRONG: An Evidence-based Program to Reduce Stress and Promote Overall Well-being-Through a series of educational and skills building activities, this course provides an evidence-based program that reduces stress, improves mental resiliency and builds protective factors that improve overall health, well-being, and academic performance. This course is graded S/U.