Upon admission into the College of Nursing, students will be given a list of required certifications and medical documentation that must be completed in order to be eligible to attend classes. This includes two types of documentation: medical documentation, and certifications and trainings. All medical documentation is submitted, tracked, and verified through Wilce Student Health Center. Deadlines for each requirement is specific to the student’s program, curriculum plan, and mode of instruction. Please refer to the College of Nursing website for more information. A student will be considered non-compliant if one or more of the requirements are unfilled. Non-compliant students will be prohibited from attending clinical.
Program Compliance Requirements for New Accelerated BSN Students
Program Compliance Requirements for Returning Accelerated BSN Students
The Beacon Student Portal allows students to monitor their compliance status at any time. It includes the compliance requirements specific to your program, your current status with those requirements, and if your overall status is compliant, noncompliant, or at-risk. Students who are noncompliant or at risk will have directions on how to update the required documents to become compliant.
- Click the Student Compliance Portal link. (website: compliance.nursing.osu.edu)
- Click “View My Compliance Report”
- Log In with your name.# and password.
Please send all medical documentation for compliance purposes to Wilce Student Health Center. This can be done via upload to MyBuckMD or email to preventivemedicine@osu.edu.
For questions about compliance, please email concompliance@osu.edu.
Program Compliance Overview
Students enrolled in the College of Nursing are required to be compliant for program compliance requirements. The requirements fall into two categories: medical documentation and certifications and trainings. Deadlines for each requirement is specific to the student’s program, curriculum plan, and mode of instruction. For an overview of compliance requirements, please visit the compliance website. A student will be considered non-compliant if one or more of the requirements are unfilled. Non-compliant students will be prohibited from attending health assessment and/or clinical.
Program Compliance Overview:
- All medical documentation is submitted, tracked, and verified by Wilce Student Health Center through MyBuckMD
- Program compliance requirements must be completed by stated deadlines and according to submission instructions. Please visit the compliance website for specific deadlines and instructions.
- Office of Student Affairs and Success will send notifications to students considered non-compliant or at-risk of becoming non-compliant. The at-risk status indicates a requirement will be expiring in the near future. Upon receiving notification, students are expected to take immediate action.
- Students can verify their compliance status by logging onto the Beacon Student Portal
- Students who may be pregnant or have pre-existing medical conditions that prohibit them from completing the medical compliance requirements must submit a medical waiver for approval to the Wilce Health Center:
- https://www.osu.edu/
Insurance Policy
Students are covered for general and malpractice insurance by The Ohio State University. Students may access evidence of required insurance coverage procured by Ohio state for clinical compliance by accessing the following:
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, Ohio State shall have the right to elect to self-insure for the amount of the liability coverage Ohio State is required to carry hereunder. Questions regarding this line of coverage should be directed to OSU Insurance at insurance@osu.edu.
In addition, the College of Nursing requires that all students carry health insurance through a family, employment, or student policy comparable to The Ohio State University Student Health Insurance Plan. Verification must be completed on your Buckeyelink student page at the time of course registration.