Unless otherwise noted, all sessions are scheduled from 10-10:30 a.m. Please register and we will provide details and webinar access information prior to the first webinar!
- Week one: Stress Buster: Using Cognitive-Behavioral Skills to Allay Anxiety & Depression
Taylor Schwein – College of Nursing
Wednesday, June 24 - Week two: Staying Physically Active While Home: Tips and Tricks
Ellie Whisler – College of Nursing
Wednesday, July 1 - Week three: Be Here Now: Mindfulness Works!
Kaleigh Braughton – College of Nursing
Wednesday, July 8 - Week four: Sleep Soundly During the COVID-19 Pandemic: You Can Do It!
Stephanie Rapp – College of Nursing
Wednesday, July 15 - Week five: Eating Healthy and Balanced in Stressful Times: Why it Matters
Julia Orloff – College of Education and Human Ecology
Wednesday, July 22 - Week six: Resiliency, Gratitude and Positivity: A Timely Trio in the Midst of the COVID-19 Storm
Olivia Weinberg – College of Nursing
Wednesday, July 29