Upcoming Virtual STEM Club: Teays Valley alum shares college research project findings and leads students in science trivia!

CLUB ZOOM REMINDER: 17 April 2020 @ 3:00 PM

PART 1: Allison Cheek of Bowling Green State University, Candidate of Math and Science Education, presents her temperature research project and experience at BGSU Campus.

BGSU Magazine | Fall 2019

Photo: Left Allison Cheek, right Alyson Blunk, research students at BGSU.

PART 2: Interactive Science Trivia Challenges. Your student will have the best experience if they can join the Zoom meeting on one device and use a second mobile device for a trivia remote to respond to science questions.


Meeting ID: 607-351-5896 + passcode

Please note this meeting requires a passcode which can be found on the Zoom event details in Google Classroom. Again, students can log-in to Google Classroom with their school assigned emails and followed by their lunch numbers.

If there are any parents or students with questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to email educators.

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