Identifying Useful Apps

I. Apps I Selected

1. WeatherBug
This is a weather app that in my experience is the most accurate. It updates more frequently than any other weather app and provides a whole lot more information
2. LawnGuru – On Demand Lawn Mowing and Snow Removal Services
LawnGuru is an app similar to Uber it allows you to call and order a lawn service or snow plowing without signing a seasonal contract.
3. LawnStarter
Is also like LawnGuru in it being like and Uber lawn care company. Except they offer more services in the lawn care area.
4. Ft2 Mapper
This app allows you plot points on a map and it will give you the area. From there it goes on to break down the rates of fertilizers you may want to use. It saves you a lot of time on figuring out calculations
5. FieldScout GreenIndex+ Turf
Take a picture of the grass you want to do a study about and the app analyzes the picture and breaks it down looking at the cholorphyll of the grass to help you get an accurate assumption of what is wrong with the grass.
6. SpraySelect
This app picks the right size spray tip for a given speed, rate, and tip spacing, but you can select from 8 different droplet size classifications and it will recommend the type of tip that is designed to deliver your desired droplet size.
7. Mix Tank – Agriculture Tank Mixing Order and Spray Logs
The app allows you to categorize your sprayings you’ve done in the past and records what, when, and where you’ve sprayed fertilizer.
8. NSN Connect
NSN Connect is an app that is specifically designed for people who have a Toro irrigation system. It allows them to access the irrigation system from their phone or tablet device and turn it off and on whenever they please.
9. LogMeIn
This app isn’t exactly a turf app per say but it is an app that can be used by superintendents, turf managers, and Landscapers to operate their business from their phone. It does this by linking their laptop or desktop to their phone allowing people to access files and other options on their computer where ever they may be.
10. Turf Republic – TurfSnap
Is a social media app for turf managers where they can take pictures of their fields, courses, and landscapes and share them on.

II. My Favorite App

The most interesting app to me is the Ft2 Mapper app. I can see myself in the future using this app repeatedly. It’s surely going to make calculating area and chemical applications a lot easier. The best part is it has a storage bank on it so it can remember what you put down in that area before so you don’t have to keep calculating it.

III. Apps Selected

1. Ft2 Mapper

2. WeatherBug

3. Turf Republic – TurfSnap

IV. Haiku Link

Managing Turf