The concept behind my business card would be to display my major and where I would like to go with it. The turf in the background represents my major, turf grass management. The sports football, soccer and baseball show that I would like to install and/or manage athletic turf. I specifically chose these sports since these fields are installed more than most other sports and personally they peak my interest. I specifically chose the baseball which has been worn to balance the photos, the white of the soccer ball looks great in between the two darker balls that being the football and the worn baseball. I decided to put my name in a darker font to draw attention to it compared to the white items at the center of my business card, that being the soccer ball, the lines on the turf field in the background and my contact information at the bottom.
The creation process started with the background, I added it to the base business card template using the layer option. I then added the athletic photos. I decided to the place two of them on the outer limits of the card with the last placed in the center. I added each photo by adding an additional layer for each image. I then decided to left justify my name in the upper left corner of the business card template I did this with the text tool and decided to go with a bold color to bring attention to my name. I then added the contact information and put a white color on it making it easy to see with the dark background. Since this section was so big I did not justify it in any manner. I did not want to left justify this text with my name so I decided to set it as far right to without cutting off any text. I also did this with the text tool.
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