Module 7 – Maintaining Motivation Blog Post

Something specific that I have already done in real life from this module relates to shutting out distractions. While at home in Pennsylvania during the pandemic, I use the office room that we have in our house so that I can be in a secure space that provides the least opportunity for distraction; in addition, I keep the door closed most of the time when I am in there so that my parents or my sister know that I’m working on something or in a class, call, or meeting. This has proven helpful not only during the SP20, AU20, and SP21 semesters (done virtually), but during my professional internship last summer (also done virtually).

Ideas that I could put into practice in the future relate to soundtracks and white noise. Thanks to this module, I intend to find Spotify soundtracks that are curated and designed to aid in concentration and focus during studying; I choose Spotify for this because I won’t get interrupted by advertisements. In addition, I’m now very curious about trying the White Noise App that was mentioned in Module 7 and I’m very likely to try it out to see what it’s like and how it impacts my studying time.

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