Module 5 – Web-Enhanced Listening and Viewing Strategies Blog Post


A specific example of something from this module that I have already put into practice is replaying parts of videos and online lectures to capture essential information. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, my lectures for Business Finance, Labor Economics, and a few other classes are delivered through multi-video lectures, I often need to replay parts of the lecture to make sure that I capture relevant information. In addition to this, I mentally link what I glean from my video lectures to what I read in my textbook to help connect what I learn during class and what I learned before class even started.

If I could give students any advice from this module, it would be to carefully consider the positives and negatives of both handwritten and typed notes before picking a particular notetaking style to use. One thing that I would point out to them is the research of Pam Mueller and Daniel Oppenheimer which shows that students have stronger memory retention in the short term and long term when they write out their notes. As someone who does this often (particularly with classes involving formulas and highly complex ideas), I have certainly found that writing out notes increases my memory retention for the short AND long term.

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