Honestly, this semester has taught me a lot about college in general. The truth of college hit like truck at the beginning of the semester. I learned that you can’t start college still being the mindset of High School. College is a lot more independent and rigorous, especially Ohio State. You have no idea how many missing assignments I had at the beginning of the semester because I forgot about them. But as I began to truly understand what my grades had become because of my poor job as a student, I learned that I had to take things more seriously.
I actually started reading my textbook. I made a schedule to follow. I bought a calendar and put down everything I had to do in it, which means no more excuses for forgetting things. I’ve grown a lot as a student, and I rarely miss assignments now. I do my work and I try my best. I’m just glad I was able to catch this mistake early in my college career. I hope to continue growing and evolving into the best student that I can be. I am thankful for the growth and development I have experienced thus far.