End of Semester Review
Honestly, this semester has taught me a lot about college in general. The truth of college hit like truck at the beginning of the semester. I learned that you can’t start college still being the mindset of High School. College is a lot more independent and rigorous, especially Ohio State. You have no idea how many missing assignments I had at the beginning of the semester because I forgot about them. But as I began to truly understand what my grades had become because of my poor job as a student, I learned that I had to take things more seriously.
I actually started reading my textbook. I made a schedule to follow. I bought a calendar and put down everything I had to do in it, which means no more excuses for forgetting things. I’ve grown a lot as a student, and I rarely miss assignments now. I do my work and I try my best. I’m just glad I was able to catch this mistake early in my college career. I hope to continue growing and evolving into the best student that I can be. I am thankful for the growth and development I have experienced thus far.
Scholars Events
Welcome to my Honors & Scholars e-Portfolio
Why did I choose to be a Biological Sciences Scholar? Well, once I found out about the honor’s and scholar’s program here at OSU, the question wasn’t if I was going to join one, but rather which one. I knew I wanted to join, but I just needed to find one that I would fall into my interests. I knew beforehand that I enjoyed sciences and animals and when I looked at some of the pictures on the program’s website, I knew that I wanted to join. One in particular that comes to mind is a silly one with a giraffe. I laughed to myself and knew I wanted to be there.
But now that I am here, I’ve learned that there are certain traits that it takes in order to be a successful scholar. You have to be organized, good with time management, committed, determined, foward-thinking, intelligent, and thoughtful.
I will carry out my vision as a successful Scholars student by remembering my goals always trying to think of how to achieve them, both in the short term and in the long term.
However, there have been a few bumps in the road along the way. When I first came here to OSU, I wasn’t prepared. At all. I came here thinking it’d be just like high school, but boy was I wrong! With college comes a lot of independence, especially when you’re a commuter student like me. I have had to learn by experience. These bumps can range from never being on such a big campus and never opening a bank account before to never having to actually study before and learning that studying is essential if you want to be successful. I also frequently forgot assignments in the very beginning of school because I wasn’t used to not being reminded about them like I was in high school. But these experiences taught me that you can’t be afraid to try new things; you just have to jump straight into it. I have to put forth a lot more effort than I’m used to, which includes actually opening that textbook and studying a lot. And even when I do that and I get stuck, I’ve learned that there are countless resources here to help: such as the Celeste chemistry help room, and the Dennis Learning Center. And even things just as simple as buying a calendar and actually writing assignments in them.
Year in Review
[ “Year in Review” is where you should reflect on the past year and show how you have evolved as a person and as a student. You may want to focus on your growth in a particular area (as a leader, scholar, researcher, etc.) or you may want to talk about your overall experience over the past year. For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]
Global Awareness: Learning to understand and accept the diverse world we live in.
Ex. I’m a part of oSTEM, which a scientific organization for members and allies of the LGBTQ+ community.
Original Inquiry: Experiencing first-hand the creative process of researching.
Ex. I plan to job shadow or do research work through genetic counseling.
Academic Enrichment: Excelling in academics through hard work.
Ex. I plan to work hard so I can apply to graduate school for genetic counseling, in which I would need to take Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Leadership Development: Obtaining skills of leadership either in or out of the classroom.
Ex. I plan to attempt to have a leadership role such as being Social Chairperson who could set up social events for the club.
Service Engagement: Providing service for your community in need.
Ex. I plan to volunteer for organizations such as suicide hotlines because it is both a great way to help the community and to get experience with counseling.
[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career. Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated. For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]
This is a picture of me and my siblings. As you might already be able to tell, we all look different. And I can assure you that we all act very differently also. But thinking about this has always fascinated me. How having the same starting point, our mother and father, but still turning out so differently, yet also very similarly. The aspect of genetics is very interesting to me. How all 4 of us can have the same base genetics, but by random chance of the DNA mixing together in such a precise way, we all turned out different and unique in our own way.
I wish to explore this interesting subject by either being a genetic counselor and helping families explore diseases and illnesses that could be passed down through their offspring and the risks and preventions and help that comes with it, or being a fertility counselor and helping couples figuring out how to even have children. I plan to choose either one of those options depending on which I find more interesting. And who knows, maybe I could be both!
About Me
Hello! I’m Corey Tucker! My plan is to major in Psychology and become a genetic counselor or a fertility counselor. I want to be able to help people, and the subjects of genetics and psychology interest me, so being a genetic counselor is a good fit!
I’m currently a member of a few clubs, one of which includes an undergraduate genetic counseling club, which will help me form connections with fellow peers, mentors, and actual professionals in the field today.