A. Project Proposal

Originally, we were going to create a text-based, “Choose Your Own Adventure” style game as a FEH student in IBE. Other brainstorming ideas included a random number guessing game, a trivia game, a memory game, and Tic-Tac-Toe. All of the games could meet the coding requirements, such as while loops and if/else statements; however, Tic-Tac-Toe was the best idea because it also included graphical components and incorporated the touch screen of the Proteus.

The game needed a menu, game screen, win/lose screens, and a play again screen. When it came to the actual game, we wanted to have the game being played on a classic 3×3 Tic-Tac-Toe grid. The game starts with the user placing a marker, followed by the PROTEUS placing a marker in a random spot. The two would alternate until someone would win. The user’s marker would be a blue circle and the PROTEUS’ marker would be a pink circle.

For our additional features, we had some lofty goals. We thought of a multiplayer mode so that way two people could play Tic-Tac-Toe against each other instead of a person against the PROTEUS. We also thought it would be nice to include an ability to save your progress over time by registering a username that could be saved. Another nice feature would be the ability to choose your color or marker shape and give the user more control over their “appearance.” We ended up including the ability for the PROTEUS to play a song when the user won. We had the PROTEUS play the tune to the classic song “Mo Bamba” by Sheck Wes.