Day 5 Morning – Livestock Breeding Facility and Chicken Farm

This morning we visited an Artificial breeding center. There we learned the process of semen collection for artificial insemination. At this center they do not freeze their samples for long term storage. A sample is typically used within a few days after extraction. This center is funded by the Trinidad government and provides the service to farmers looking to breed their animals. After seeing the process carried out with two of their bulls, we split up into two groups. One group was given a tour of the outdoor facility and shown the various kinds of animals living at the center. These included bulls, sheep, goats, pigs, and many other varieties. Meanwhile the second group was shown the lab where the animal semen is handled. We viewed one of the samples that was just collected under the microscope before and after it was suspended in milk. We learned the importance of keeping the sample at the proper temperature so that the cells stay alive. We also learned the importance of the speed of the sperm cell. Even if the cells are alive, they must be traveling at a certain speed to be effective. Afterwards the two groups switched to have the full experience.

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