D. Meeting Notes

  1. Fill out the following for each team project meeting

    Meeting 1

    Date/Time: 11.1.18/12:40pm

    Members Present: Ankita Satish, Pragya Handa, Alex Laffey, Alex Houston

    Topics/Agenda: Initially decided games and did user interview#1

    Action Items with names assigned: Surf the internet for more compelling game ideas: Everybody

    Meeting 2

    Date/Time: 11.5.18/12:40pm

    Members Present: Ankita Satish, Pragya Handa, Alex Laffey, Alex Houston

    Topics/Agenda: Completed the team and individual working agreement and worked on the algorithm flowcharts for the two games decided(Minesweeper and Memory Game).

    Action Items with names assigned:

    1. Research on game design of both the games and work flow: Ankita Satish
    2. Initial coding, the flowchart for Memory Game: Pragya Handa
    3. Game GUI and user interactions: Alex Laffey
    4. Initial code for Minesweeper keeping in mind the performance constraints: Alex Houston

    Meeting 3

    Date/Time: 11.12.18/12:40pm

    Members Present: Ankita Satish, Pragya Handa, Alex Laffey, Alex Houston

    Topics/Agenda: Start working on the story board for the game and finish the code for Minesweeper and Memory Game.

    Action Items with names assigned:

    1. Storyboard with complete detailed information about the game: Ankita Satish
    2. Complete the basic backbone of Memory game with proper GUI: Pragya Handa
    3. Write the functional code snippets for Memory Game: Alex Laffey
    4. Complete the full working version of Minesweeper in Command Window: Alex Houston

    Meeting 4

    Date/Time: 11.15.18/12:45pm

    Members Present: Ankita Satish, Pragya Handa, Alex Laffey, Alex Houston

    Topics/Agenda: Complete user interview 2 and work on final software design project plan.

    Action Items with names assigned:

    Do the user interview and collaborate and work together on the final project: Everybody

    Meeting 5

    Date/Time: 11.22.18/12:40pm

    Members Present: Ankita Satish, Pragya Handa, Alex Laffey, Alex Houston

    Topics/Agenda: Do the final testing with the group and introduce changes to the game.

    Action Items with names assigned:

    1. Testing the game and introducing new challenging aspects: Ankita Satish
    2. Implementation of those changes: Pragya Handa
    3. Introduction of sound effects: Alex Laffey
    4. Finalisation of the fully functional game of Minesweeper: Alex Houston

    Meeting 6

    Date/Time: 11.28.18/12:40pm

    Members Present: Ankita Satish, Pragya Handa, Alex Laffey, Alex Houston

    Topics/Agenda: Complete the advertisement for Minesweeper and work on the documentation, filming of the SDP video and final testing by the UTA’s.

    Action Items with names assigned:

    1. Complete advertisement, start with documentation, editing of the SDP video: Ankita Satish
    2. Complete Meeting notes and modify the game: Pragya Handa
    3. Write the Executive Summary and record the video: Alex Laffey
    4. Complete the documentation part and direct the video: Alex Houston