Although the main content of orientation is presented in your opening orientation session, there are many items to still complete (like going through this checklist) to ensure you are ready for your meeting with your Academic Advisor and for the semester to begin. After the online opening session, complete the following:
- Select or waive student health insurance (if you have not already done so). All undergraduate students at Ohio State who are enrolled in at least six credit hours (part-time) are required to have health insurance coverage. You are automatically enrolled in the university’s comprehensive student health insurance plan, and a fee will appear on your statement of account each semester. Remember, if you choose to waive (opt-out) of student health insurance, you must provide proof your coverage under another insurance plan.
- Set up your Carmen profile
- There are two key aspects of your Carmen profile that you’ll want to set up now:
- Add a profile picture (Links to an external site.). This helps people get to know you virtually and is a great way to begin to connect with others virtually. You can add a picture, take a picture, or use an avatar.
- Set notification preferences (Links to an external site.). Let CarmenCanvas know how you want to be notified about things like due dates, emails through Carmen, grade postings, announcements, etc.
- Add or alter existing email preferences (Links to an external site.). This will allow you to add additional emails so that you can be contacted.
- (Optional) Add your pronouns (Links to an external site.). This will let others know how to refer to you.
- There are two key aspects of your Carmen profile that you’ll want to set up now:
- Learn about parking options. A parking permit is required to park on-campus at Ohio State. Learn how to access your parking options from this presentation by Ohio State’s parking vendor CampusParc: Transfer_CampusExchangeStudent_Slides.
- Download the Ohio State mobile app.
- Review the orientation supplemental schedule for additional opportunities to learn more about Ohio State resources and offices that aid in new student transition.
Now that you have completed Step #3, please use the navigation bar on the left hand side to find and complete Step #4 of Transfer Student Orientation.