
          edLet’s start! Visit: www.edmodo.com

Something that is a huge desire for me is a strong connection with parents and a way of seamless communication.  I really like the idea of a class blog, and Edmodo is a class blog on steroids.  I have seen something similar at New Albany called a “portal” and each teacher is required to have one.  I love Edmodo because parents can log on and view the class schedule, an about the teacher, upcoming projects and activities, and so much more. 

It is a great resource for teachers to have and parents/guardians to use.  Parents and guardians can go to see the class schedule if they were wondering when lunch is, maybe they wanted to plan a birthday surprise lunch for their child. Edmodo also lets the me (the teacher) personalize my page in themes, fonts, and colors to create a cool, easy to read “blog” to keep parents and guardians in the know.

I would use Edmodo to:

  • Extend my parental involvement
  • Show upcoming classroom events (maybe to help rally some volunteers)
  • Update parents and guardians on books we have read and projects/presentations we have done
  • Keep a class blog
  • Update with newsletters for the month

Is Edmodo right for me?

I have yet to find anything wrong with Edmodo.  If my school/district does not provide a district wide classroom blog (or “portal” as New Albany does) I will definitely use Edmodo in my classroom to keep parents and guardians updated and let them become one with our classroom. 


Image from: https://www.google.com/search?q=edmodo&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=SRcOU7XNCcvpqAGu14DACA&sqi=2&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAg&biw=1188&bih=511#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=eNnP0dtAqnjHMM%253A%3BcTj8MptObqx56M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fblogs.bend.k12.or.us%252Finstructionaltechnology%252Ffiles%252F2012%252F08%252Fedmodo.png%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fblogs.bend.k12.or.us%252Finstructionaltechnology%252Fedmodo-for-teachers-2%252F%3B596%3B335


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