1st and Second Year in Review

First Year
Being at Ohio State this year has definitely had an impact on me socially, academically and personally. First Ohio state has challenged me in my classes. I have continued my education in Latin, started my studies in Chemistry toward my Biology major and finished my Calculus requirements. I have also had the task of getting involved on campus. Being apart of college mentors has been the way in which I have done this. I have really immersed myself in this program and have obtain a staff position in the process. Finally being at college has challenged me personally. I have started to learn to live on my own and am beginning to understand myself better as an individual person.

Second semester I continued my Chemistry education with the second half, started the first biology course, C=continued my latin education by declaring a minor in it and completed the required English course. I also continued with College Mentors on Tuesdays with the same student. I also began to find friends and started to form friend groups that I continually spent time with. I became used to living on my own and understood the daily live involved with that.

Second Year
Being back at Ohio State for the second year was very different. The class curriculum began to get harder as I took Organic Chemistry 1 and the second Biology class. I also was enrolled in Sociology and Organic Chemistry 1 Lab. At this point in my college education I have a set group of friends and clubs that I am involved in. I have started to take steps to figure out what career path I want to take and look forward to seeing how that progresses. Additionally, I switched my major to Microbiology after guidance from research professor.

Second Semester of my sophomore year was definitely the hardest semester academically. I was enrolled in Organic Chemistry 2, Organic Chemistry 2 Lab, History of Art, and my first major class- Microbiology 1. These classes challenged me but also allowed me to grow as a student and see what study techniques worked and what did not. I believe I have an understanding of how to study now and am looking forward to the upcoming semester in my studies.