Nursing Care for Elderly Patients

Care for the elderly can be a little complicated to get into, but using the resources available on the internet, it is easy to learn a lot about how to provide the proper care.

This video is great for an introduction into elderly care. It is important to remember that across the lifespan, we need to care for differently aged individuals in different ways. It’s important to recognize what are normal signs of aging, and what are not. This video outlines these details as well as how to care for different kinds of elderly patients.

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This news article links to a very interesting argument regarding caring for elderly patients. A lot of people think that it can be difficult to take care of parents in their old age, and it talks about the different options for people in that situation. I think that the best way to take care of an aging parent, is to keep home health care in mind as long as possible, until a doctoral or medical need comes up.

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This website is an official organization called “Home Care Association of America”. This organization helps to provide home health to aging populations, as well as the otherwise disabled. This is a great resource for those interested in working in home health, or looking into it as an option for themselves or family.

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This book, titled How to Care for Aging Parents by Virginia Morris, is another great resource for people who are facing a situation where their parents are getting older, and they want to make the right decisions to help them in their life. The book outlines care for elderly, which is the main topic of this post, and will greatly help individuals in this situation.

The above link is a great academic resource to provide resources for senior citizens and families, especially who may be going through some recent disabilities. The link is from the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped and the Library of Congress. This taught me a lot about the possibility of cataracts and blindness developing in older individuals.