Celebrating One Year of Blog Posts

As I’m writing this month’s post in the office space I’ve set up at home, I’m blown away by how far this blog has come, and reminded of the resilience of our statewide colleagues in an incredibly challenging and confusing time. The Teaching & Learning Committee began working on this blog in 2018, and in early 2019 we launched it. The goal was to not only provide links to resources that we on the committee have found incredibly helpful in our own teaching practices, but to offer an advice column for our colleagues, both new to teaching and experienced in teaching, in order to provide guidance and confront challenges faced in the classroom. Since launching, we’ve had some incredible posts made to the blog from some incredibly talented librarians. To those writers who have contributed to the blog, or are planning to write an entry to this blog, thank you again for all of your time and effort in providing instructional guidance to all of our colleagues, not only within The Ohio State University, but across the state. And most of all, thank you for continuing to read the Teaching & Learning Blog.

As I mentioned earlier, I’m amazed at the resilience I’ve observed among librarians across the state. As the stay-at-home order was announced, I’ve seen librarians accomplish Herculean feats. From setting up websites dedicated to providing advice to those teaching online for the first time, to the creative work of committees and task forces working on transitioning events to an online format, librarians have met these challenges head on, and bounced back when circumstances looked troubling. There are many questions I’m sure you have during this time, and if you’d like our guest bloggers to tackle these questions and provide their instructional advice, please leave your questions in the comments section below. Similarly, if you have any stories of resilience you’d like to share, feel free to share them in the comments section as well.

Please know that any teaching librarian is welcome to contribute to the blog. If you’d like to add your own entry, address new teaching opportunities and challenges you perceive in the upcoming Fall semester, or just pose questions for others to answer, please get in touch with us via email (walton.485@osu.edu).

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