Wednesday, April 11, 2018
10-10:15am – Welcome and Introductions
10:15am-12noon – First Session: Eras, Stages, and Non-linearity
Chair: Ousman Murzik Kobo (History)
- Andrea Grottoli (Ecology and Biology), “Coral Reefs and Climate Change: We are running out of time”
- Stephen Petrill (Psychology), “Human Development: Time as Sequence, Stages, or Chronology”
- Adélékè Adéẹ̀kó ̣(Literature and Theory), “Time is Not Straight Like a Thoroughfare”
1-2pm – Time and Comics Library Presentation
“Comics, Time and Memory” with Caitlin McGurk at The Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum
2-3:45pm – Second Session: Bodies, Movement, Sound
Chair: Tamar Rudavsky (Philosophy)
- Hannah Kosstrin (Dance), “Temporal Tactility in Trisha Brown’s Locus (1975)”
- Lynn Kaye (Law and Religion), “Bodies Moving Through Space in Classical Jewish Law”
- Leta Hendricks (African and African American Studies), “Breaks in Time: Sampling in Rap Music”
4:15-6:00pm – Third Session: Memory, Memories, and Relative Time
Chair: Katherine Elkins, (World Literatures and Humane Studies)
- Ila Nagar (Linguistics and Ethnography), “Violence: Memories and Narrations”
- Michal Raizen (Comparative Literature, Film, and Ethnomusicology), “Temporalities of Sound in Elia Suleiman’s The Time That Remains”
- Kenneth Supowit (Computer Science and Engineering), “Computation Time Relative to an Oracle”
Thursday, April 12, 2018
9:15-11am – Fourth Session: Arrows, Atoms, and Vessels
Chair: Stephen Kern (History)
- William Palmer (Physics), “The Arrow of Time”
- Tamar Rudavsky (Philosophy), “Atomistic Conceptions of Time in Medieval and Contemporary Philosophy”
- Melissa Curley (Philosophy and Religion), “All the Time There Is: Cloth Bag as a Buddhist Image of Time”
12-1:45pm – Fifth Session: Through Space and Time
Chair: Andrea Wolfe (Plant Systematics and Evolution)
- Jared Gardner (Literature and Culture), “Time Traveling: Transmedial Narrative and Navigable Time”
- Megan Meuti (Entomology), “The Role of Biological Clocks in Daily and Seasonal Timekeeping in Insects”
- Marti Chaatsmith and Christine Ballengee Morris (Art, Architecture and Preservation), “Earthworks: Rise and Tell”
2:15-4pm – Sixth Session: Anticipating the Future and the End
Chair: Hadi Jorati (History of Science, Iranian Studies)
- Johanna Sellman (Comparative Literature), “The Queue as Dystopia: Waiting and Time Markers in Contemporary Arabic Future Writing”
- Ryan Nash (Medicine and Bioethics), “Time of Death Through the Physician’s Gaze”
- Sarit Kattan Gribetz (Religion and Theology) “The Birthpangs of the Messiah: Women’s Bodies as Metaphors for the End of Time”
4-4:30pm – Conclusions