Tech and A/V info

Dear Presenters,

If you have audio-visual requirements for your presentations, here is information on the set-up at the Will Eisner seminar room where we will be meeting.

The Eisner seminar room has the following tech setup:
They have one podium containing a Windows PC which has USB ports and a Crestron system. The Crestron system is setup to handle projecting screens from the PC, or other laptops using HDMI and VGA (with audio) connections to a drop-down screen.
The PC had PowerPoint and the other Microsoft Office Suite programs.

They have a few dongles, or devices to covert signals. If a presenter has an Apple device and they want to use it during the presentation, please let Susan Liberator (contact below) know and she will check our dongle types.

Presenters are welcome to put their presentations on a USB and send a digital copy (for backup) either to themselves or to

Susan Liberator

614-292-0538 and she can load them on the computer in the Eisner seminar room.