Hey, this is Tiffany. My Chinese name is Songge Guo. I am an international student in the Ohio state university class of 2015 and major in Communication. Since I came to the United States for the college, everything is new to me.
I am from Beijing, the capital city of China. Columbus has something in common with Beijing, like the weather. I came here in the late summer and feel the same temperature in Beijing. Interestingly, the autumn in Beijing and Columbus both have only one day and turn to be the winter.The big difference between China and the United States is that restaurant are almost closed after 8 in Columbus, but they are all work till midnight in Beijing. Besides that, Columbus is more convenient to live, because Beijng has the horrible traffic jam every single day. People and cars are crowed in everywhere, but you will never feel insecurity in Beijing. For me, Beijing represent home and the sense of belonging while Columbus is the new place to build myself, I am still on the way to explore.