Hi, welcome to 21th century! Today is a marketing and digitalized era, which is transforming and updating human-beings’ life consistently. People are able to take out their cellphones or computers to watch videos and social chatting owing to development of new software. Meanwhile, more people are employed by some large investment companies because with the globalization, many developing and developed countries foster native people to seek jobs of marketing to increase production efficiency so that economic growth occurs.
There are two jobs that I searched on the Pay scale website: one is lead application developer, the other one is marketing manager. I take the C++ programing 1222 and Macroeconomics courses in Ohio State University to accomplish half of my first year. However, I only gain B grade for my Macroeconomics course for the first midterm but A grade for my C++ of quiz 4, and I prefer the C++ programming, too. As a result, I have more motivation and ability to perform well in CSE 1222 course. Moreover, by googling, being a developer of leading application require candidates to have basic knowledge about C++ or Java basics, and a senior developer with more than ten years of working experience will be paid 103400 dollars.
Therefore, supposing that I am enrolled by software corporations such as Apple or Microsoft, I am able to make contributions in programming area to assist other employees in designing programs and make the team highly organized, which can promote me to higher position and more than one hundred thousand dollars as a result. By contrast, marketing manager requires more vision in advertising and marketing analysis.
Bill Gates, establisher of Microsoft company
For a person who even don’t have business senses like me to run a market, it’s impossible to make the marketing dream come true even if he or she know how to make goods sales and advocation through internet like Amazon and Uber Technology, and gain income more than 60000 dollars.
Marketing manager: Target, Vision, Strategy, Marketing
So if I fail to manage a market, 60000 notes will say goodbye to me. Thus, I prefer to be a software developer rather than a market manager.Although I could gain health benefits from both the career of software developer and market manager due to relative high salary, which could help me live normally and have the surplus money to pay for other mediums such as entertainment and insurance, my intended major is meteorology. As matter of fact, an interest and satisfaction to our intended career is more important than salary and prospect. Being a leading software developer or market manager can I win higher salary than a meteorologist, but entering the software companies successfully doesn’t mean that I really love this job, failing or quitting from jobs will often occur if people believe their careers don’t match their real interests at all. Consequently, more and more people will be unemployed or even leave the labor force. So, for me, I would resolve to transfer to my intended major if I think I don’t fit a career of a developer or market manager anymore. Focusing on what we love to do can not only have a sense of satisfaction, but we can enjoy the happiness from our accomplishment because we have enthusiasm in career, and the salary we earned is worthwhile. People will never lose their interests on their favorite jobs. Furthermore, many people may mock many meteorology students for don’t have good prospect to develop well in the future, but I will tell those people that today’s meteorologists can be paid as much as an application developer. In United States, the annual income for meteorologists has been lifted up to nearly 80k dollars or even higher than 100k dollars. In this case, I prefer to concentrate on my favorite major meteorology rather than an application developer or a market manager.
Why Bill Gates is a famous software developer? Because he is avid in his job, so he can succeed in this job not only the high salary, many market managers are also following the same mechanisms. We cannot judge a job by only evaluating how much money will be paid or its popularity around the world, satisfaction is more important because people really have passion to work without disappointment and regrets, people will do better based on their satisfaction on their chosen jobs.