Mural Project

This wall in my house is the one attached to the stairs that leads to the second floor, it has a lot of dimension and allowed for the use of depth, which I wanted to use as a “portal”. The meaning behind this piece is to emphasize with everything going on in the world that we have to remember to cherish those around us and our community to lead us to a warmer and more welcoming era. The area where those are entering the door is purposefully darker and sharper in lines to create a dreary and serious feeling while the foreground is more playful and less sharp lines to create a welcoming mood.

Book Project

“All of Me” by Kate Parker

Pill Bottle

Freedom: a Fable by Kara Elizabeth Walker


I chose these books in short no only because they stand out immediately from the cover but the way the information is portrayed. It catches the attention of the audience and is a work of art all the way through, not just in the bindings.

2-D Art by Me

This is the first mural I ever painted. This was done for a hospital in Guatemala that served the mentally and physically disabled. Prior to this service trip I was going to give up art, but after this experience I got to do art for a purpose and that’s why I continued with it into college.

2-D Art by Me

Music plays a huge roll in my life and I’m constantly listening to it. My concentration in high school was familiar faces so I depicted a lot of musical icons. This work of Tupac is done in sharpie and the background in acrylic paint.