2D Notan Project

2 thoughts on “2D Notan Project

  1. I really like the third picture, the one that looks like a landscape. I’m drawn to the organic shapes and how well the lines draw the viewers eye across the piece. I think the curves and lines are very well executed and fills the page appropriately, there’s not a ton of empty white space in the background. The why the positive and negative space interact on the mountain shape, right side, is pretty accurate compared to paintings I have seen of simplified mountains which is nice as well.
    I am least drawn to the first image, the one with a face on it. I think the symmetry in the piece could be improved upon. The arrows face different directions and the triangles at the bottom are spaced kind of weird compared to each other as well. There is a lot of unused space in the middle of the piece which makes it less interesting. I think by adding something in that space would improve the piece. Also by sharpening up the straight lines I think would improve the piece by adding some contrast.

  2. The most intriguing for me is the radial design. It has a huge amount of complexity and variety but I still know what’s going on. It leads my eye on a clockwise motion throughout the piece. Good use of positive and negative space, very balanced.

    The least intriguing for me would have to be the symmetrical piece. It’s less complex than the other two. Compared to the other two, there’s a lot of positive space in the center of the piece. It’s not completely symmetrical, the arrow on the right is facing downwards, while the one on the left is point up.,

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