Logo Design for The PRactice


This year, one of the clubs on campus that I decided to get involved with is Ohio State’s PRSSA chapter. With the chapter, Ohio State also has a really unique opportunity in having their own student run PR firm, known as The PRactice. The PRactice helps students interested in PR get real-world experience by doing PR work for real clients in Columbus. Such work can consist of organizing outreach events, managing social media accounts, writing blog posts, doing design work, etc. One unique thing for The PRactice this year is that they decided to do a logo contest, because they were interested in redesigning our firm’s logo. Even though I am new to The PRactice, I decided to step up and take initiative to enter a logo into the contest. Above is the logo I designed, which features a twist on the Short North lights in Columbus. I wanted the logo to be simple, yet still give a basis of that fact that we are based out of Ohio State University in Columbus. Though my logo did not end up being the winning logo for the competition, I was proud of my overall work and appreciated the practice I got working with graphic design and Adobe Photoshop.