Fall 2018 Semester Review

As I wrap up my final week in the fall 2018 semester, I reflect on how much I have learned in such short time. During this semester, I met so many great new people with such different perspectives and interests. Coming to Ohio State from small town Minster, Ohio, I realize how small my perspective had once been. In addition to meeting people, I also got to participate in a multitude of new activities like attending Ohio State football games, going to concerts, and participating in our Media, Marketing and Communications Scholars group. This semester, one of my most beneficial experiences has been taking my Digital Media Composition class. Through this class, I have learned to create video compilations as well as wireframe apps through my mobile device. In addition, the class has opened my eyes to new perspectives of inequality in society. As I end this semester, I have a full schedule ready for the next. One of the classes I look forward to taking most is my Television Production class (Theatre 3351) because I have such a passion for the entertainment arts. I can only hope that I will continue to grow in knowledge, not only in the classroom but in my perspectives as well.