Livestock Producers in Fairfield/ Perry County Are Eligible for Drought Recovery Assistance

Livestock Producers in Fairfield/ Perry County Are Eligible for Drought Recovery Assistance

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) Executive Director Kylene Newman in Fairfield Perry County today announced that FSA is now accepting applications for the Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) for grazing losses due to drought. The deadline to apply for 2024 LFP assistance is January 30, 2025.

LFP provides compensation to eligible livestock producers who suffered grazing losses for covered livestock due to drought on privately owned or cash leased land or fire on federally managed land. For LFP, qualifying drought intensity levels are determined using the U.S. Drought Monitor. Producers in Fairfield Perry County are eligible to apply for 2024 LFP benefits for grazing losses on native pasture & improved pasture mixed forage. Visit the FSA LFP webpage for a full list of eligible counties and pasture types.

Livestock eligible for LFP include alpacas, beef cattle, bison, buffalo, beefalo, dairy cattle, deer, elk, emus, equine, goats, llamas, ostriches, reindeer, or sheep that have been or would have been grazing the eligible grazing land or pastureland. Recently, FSA updated LFP policy to expand program eligibility to include additional income producing grazing animals, like horses and ostrich, that contribute to the commercial viability of an agricultural operation.

Livestock used for hunting and consumption by the owner and horses and other animals that are used or intended to be used for racing and wagering remain ineligible.

As a reminder, producers who want to participate in many USDA programs including disaster assistance programs like LFP, must file timely acreage reports by filling out the FSA-578 form to remain eligible for program benefits. Livestock producers interested in applying LFP should contact Fairfield Perry County FSA at 740-653-4012 with any questions about the eligibility of specific livestock and forage crops.

More information in USDA disaster assistance is available at



Critters in your Containers.

Soon, our thoughts will turn to fall decorations, pumpkins, gourd,  mums and pansies in pots plus  pumpkin stacks and more.  But sometime the frustration comes after planting a container full of lovely new plants only to have digging animals make a mess of your lovely garden arrangements! Squirrels and chipmunks, in particular, seem attracted to scrounging around and burying their nuts and treasures in planted containers.

Squirrels dig holes to bury nuts and food throughout their territories. While they might not be as much of a problem in lawns or between plants in a larger garden, their digging behavior and stashes can quickly ruin carefully arranged plants in pots. Chipmunks do the same, and they also often dig up and eat flowering bulbs and burrow to create tunnels to hide and rest.

Also, both mammals often dig to search for insects and other treasures, and in the process tear up or damage your plants.

While it’s nearly impossible to keep them out of pots entirely, a few tricks can dissuade them from causing great destruction. Here are some tricks that, singly and collectively, can make a big difference in maintaining the health and beauty of potted arrangements:

Lava rocks and other rough surfaces will deter most browsers.  Lava rocks with rough surfaces, placed around plants within your pots, can help discourage digging. It’s most effective when they’re placed on any open soil areas after completing your plantings. As plants grow through the season, the lava rocks are barely visible, yet they’re attractive even when they do show.

Pokey wire edging around the perimeter of the pots can help discourage climbing over the tops. If the wire is the same color as the pots or foliage, even better, but not necessary since plants tend to drape over the edges with growth over time.

Wire or plastic screens buried below the top level of soil over bulbs and tubers will discourage rodents from digging and eating bulbs and tubers. The spacing in the screens needs to be large enough for plants to sprout and grow through, but small enough to prevent rodent digging.

Pinching off spent flowers of these plants and sprinkling their fresh seeds over the soil surface also add to the repellence.

Aluminum foil or other bright metal “decoys” help scare away chipmunks, squirrels and other rodents. While they can seem unsightly, these decoys can be tucked under container edges or among plants and then removed after plants have filled in over time.

While most of these techniques are helpful, combining them as strategies can make a big difference in keeping rodents out of pots and minimizing damage.

Applied “critter ridder” solutions, animal repellents and spicy peppers can help, too, but they have to be reapplied frequently and after heavy rains. However, combined with other methods listed here—particularly at the start and end of the growing season when digging behavior seems greatest—they can help keep foraging rodents out of your pots.

There are many more methods that work in various conditions.

Wasps and Bees in the Landscape

Several types of wasps and bees are frequently encountered nesting in turf areas, trees, and shrubs. All but the honeybee nest for only one year, starting new nests each spring. Professional landscapers must frequently control these insects in order to perform plant maintenance at a site. Bees and wasps will likely attack if you are within three feet of their nest opening. Take precautions when working around stinging insects. A protective bee suit is always a good idea–or at least wear a bee veil to keep attacking insects away from your face. Close collars tightly and fasten pant and shirt cuffs with rubber bands to keep the insects from getting underneath clothing.

Photo Credit: University of Georgia

Wasps and bees are day-active insects, so use nest control measures in the evening. This makes it less likely that returning foraging individuals will attack from behind while you are attacking the nest. Disturbed wasps and bees will fly toward a light, so work around nests when there is still enough light to see without a flashlight. If you must use a flashlight, cover the lens with red plastic or cellophane. Wasps and bees can’t see red.

Underground nests are best controlled by flooding the nest with diazinon, mixed as directed. For quick application, pouring the insecticide out of a bucket may be effective. Immediately after the application, throw a shovelful of soil down the nest opening or stuff a rag into the opening and soak it with the insecticide. This makes it more likely that wasps and bees boiling out of the hole are slowed down enough to be killed by the insecticide. Needless to say, don’t hang around. Get out of the area and return in the morning to check on the effectiveness of control. Solitary nesting wasps such as cicada killers can be controlled by spraying the ground in the nesting area with diazinon during the day or evening.

Entrances above ground can be lightly dusted with carbaryl (Sevin) dust. The insecticide should not clog the hole that the insects enter. Instead, cover surrounding surfaces so that insects walking into the holes get the dust on their feet and bodies. They will groom themselves and feed each other in the nest, which will kill off the nest in about five days.

Source: Home Yard and Garden Pest News- University of Illinois


Don’t Miss the 81st Annual Soil and Water Banquet!!

Soil and Water Annual Banquet Planned

Don’t miss the 81st Fairfield SWCD Annual Banquet on Thursday, September 12, 2024 at the Wagnalls Memorial Library Community Room located at 150 E. Columbus Street, Lithopolis Ohio.  A full buffet meal will be catered by Cheers Chalet.  Highlights of the event will be the Board of Supervisors Election, the Conservation Awards and a Tour of the Wagnall’s Memorial sharing the unique history of the building. architecture, art on display and more.  Cost for the dinner is $20.00 per person and reservations are due by August 30, 2024 to the Fairfield SWCD office located in the Fairfield County Ag Center, 831 College Avenue, Lancaster, OH.  For all the details, click on the link below to hear the interview with Lauren Vires, Education Specialist with Fairfield SWCD.





Do you Still Pack A Lunch?

Do you Still Pack A Lunch?

If you are like me, maybe you still do a little back to school shopping this time of year, even though you may not have anyone going back to school .I always find this time of year “fun” to stock up on my favorite pencils, a package of highlighters, or my favorite ink pens, get the picture.  And sometimes, I stock up with a new lunch bag/tote.  I still pack a lunch of to bring to work at OSU Extension every day.

Here are some great thoughts if you are still working about packing every day or if you are getting those kids ready to get back to the classroom.

10 Tips for Packing a Waste Free Lunch -for kids and adults, too!!

  1. Start with a reusable lunch box or bag. Avoid single-use items like disposable plastic or paper bags. Personalize, monogram, or label your reusable lunch container and items so they do not get lost.
  1. Pack reusable utensils. Avoid disposable plastic forks, spoons, and knives. Pack utensils made of durable plastic, bamboo, or stainless steel. Consider buying used utensils from a thrift store or using what you already may have at home.
  1. Scan your refrigerator and cupboards for appropriate lunch items so you can stretch your food budget and reduce wasted food in your home.
  1. Use food storage containers made of cloth, durable plastic, glass, or stainless steel that can be re-used. Avoid plastic baggies, plastic wrap, and aluminum foil. Use glass or ceramic containers to heat food items.
  1. Drink from a re-fillable beverage container. Avoid single-serving drink boxes, pouches, cans, and bottles. Filtered water in a reusable bottle is the healthiest and least expensive option. Skip the straw or purchase one that is reusable and can be cleaned after each use.
  1. Bring your own dips and condiments. Single-use items are expensive and cost more money in the long run. Use small, reusable containers for salad dressings, ketchup, and other condiments and side dishes.
  1. Consider your napkin. If you prefer paper napkins, purchase napkins that are made from 100% recycled paper. The most sustainable option is a cloth napkin. Remember to use environmentally safe detergent to wash them and line-dry to save energy.
  1. Compost fruit or vegetable scraps. If composting is not currently offered, investigate what it would take to implement a composting program at home, school, or the office. Every item you compost makes a difference.
  1. Recycle what you can. Check with your local waste hauler to understand what items are recyclable in your area.
  1. Host a waste-free challenge at school, at your workplace, or in your home to see how small changes can lead to big reductions in waste.
Source: OSU Family and Consumer Sciences


Ever wonder what it is like to exhibit the Grand Champion Turkey at the Ohio State Fair?

If you have watched coverage of the awarding of Championship Banners at the Ohio State Fair..and wondered how would that feel to be awarded a Championship Banner..then take a minute and listen in to the 88.9FM Saturday Farm Page  with Isabelle Newman, the Exhibitor of the Grand Champion Turkey at the 2024 Ohio State Fair.   Isabelle is currently  busy at the Muskingum County Fair exhibiting several 4-H Projects this week.

Click on the link to listen to the interview!

Isabelle Newman with her Grand Champion Turkey at the 2024 Ohio State Fair. Her mother, Kylene Wilson Newman is the CED at the Farm Service Agency office in Fairfield County.




Don’t miss Fairfield County Ag Update slated for August 15!

Fairfield County Ag Update scheduled

The Lancaster Fairfield County Chamber of Commerce is  partnering with Fairfield Growing to bring you the Fairfield County Ag Update on Thursday, August 15, 2024.

The Fairfield County Ag Update includes presentations from State Senator Tim Schaffer on behalf of the Ag & Natural Resource Committee; Milo Petruziello, Policy Director at the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association; and Jennifer Noland, Food Safety Specialist for the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

The Ag Update takes place at the Fairfield County Ag Center, 831 College Ave. in Lancaster starting at 7:30 a.m. Registrations are $15 and include breakfast.

Time to learn more about Food Preservation!

With many vegetable gardens in full production, often times we find ourselves with more of our garden bounty than we can use…this is a great time to learn more about preserving your the fruits of your labor!!

Food Preservation Safety.. Have those Dial Gauge Canners tested!!

With many vegetable gardens in full production  now is this time many folks begin to think about food preservation.   Did you know you can have your dial gauge canners tested at OSU Extension in Fairfield County?  It is very easy to simply call for an appointment at 740-653-5419 and drop off your canner lid.  It could be tested while you wait or you can return later and pick up at your convenience.    It is important to check dial gauges for accuracy before use each year. Gauges that read high cause under-processing and may result in unsafe food. Low readings cause over-processing. Pressure adjustments can be made if the gauge reads up to 2 pounds high or low. Replace gauges that differ by more than 2 pounds.



LET’S PRESERVE SERIES – at Keller Market House, 134 S. Columbus Street, Lancaster.  Are you planning to preserve summer produce? Join Shannon Carter, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator and Sandy Bohl, Instructor, with Ohio State University Extension Fairfield County to learn more. Call 740-653-5419 to register

Dehydrating: Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Canning Basics: Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 6:00 – 7:30 pm

 LET’S PRESERVE SERIES at Wagnalls Memorial Library

Dehydrating  Thurs., August 8th, 6:00-7:00 p.m.

Canning Basics (water bath/pressure)   Thurs., August 22nd, 6:00-7:30 p.m

Registration: Call  Wagnall’s Memorial Library to register 614-837-4765

Questions: contact Shannon Carter, or 740-653-5419