Last week at the Fairfield County Fair, I had the unique opportunity to host some international journalists from Ukraine. They were guests of the U.S. Department of State as part of a special program to foster relations with foreign press. Their mission, while they toured Ohio agricultural sites, was to capture some best practices related to farming and research, with a special focus on youth. They want to share these ideas with their homeland to inspire Ukrainian villages to engage their youth. They were fascinated by the 4-H youth exhibits and livestock at our county fair.
They also shared their heart-wrenching story, how Aliona fled to the U.S. with their two children when Ukraine was invaded, while Ruslan stayed in Ukraine to farm their crops. While in the U.S., their children have endured bullying in school due to their heritage and war status in their home country. Amidst their own personal and national turmoil, they continue to travel when possible and share stories to inspire their country.
Their visit had a profound impact on me, reflecting on all they have endured. How can we stop this bullying and spread peace? According to education expert Carolyn Savage, international mindedness involves knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of different cultures, increased self-awareness and empathy, ability to collaborate with peers from different backgrounds, deepening knowledge and understanding of global issues and ability to see ourselves as responsible, global citizens. This concept of international mindedness is something we could all embrace. We can help children (and ourselves) better understand other cultures to increase our capacity for compassion.
Here are some ways to families can foster international understanding:
Start early: Begin talking about culture, diversity, and inclusion with children at a young age.
Be inclusive: Consider the diversity in your friends, reading materials, and toys.
Create a cultural home environment: Invite into your home books, art, and music from other cultures.
Celebrate traditions: Attend multicultural events and celebrate cultural traditions and differences.
Learn about other cultures: Listen to cultural music, watch foreign movies, explore historical sites, and visit museums. Pick a recipe from another country and have fun making it together.
Take classes: Learn about different cultures through online courses or community language classes.
Have open conversations: With age-appropriateness in mind, discuss current global issues and events with your child to develop critical thinking and global empathy.
Model Respect and Empathy: Model these values in your daily interactions with others, showing the importance of treating all individuals with kindness and understanding.
Encourage international friendships: Help children make friends with children from different cultural backgrounds.
Volunteer and Serve Others: Participate in volunteer opportunities and service projects as a family to demonstrate the value of giving back and making a positive impact on your community and the world.
Becoming more aware of other cultures leads to greater understanding an increased capacity to show compassion. If children can learn this at an early age, they can live in peace with people from all nations.
Source: Shannon Carter, OSU Extension Educator – Fairfield County