4-H Camp Creates Memories…

Join us at Fairfield County 4-H Camp this summer!

Registration opens online May 1st for all 4-H and School Enrichment members. There are 4 camp options based on current grade in school for youth this summer.

Camp Dates:

  • Day Camp (Grades 3,4,5,6,7,8,9) – June 13-15-Alley Park; Cost $50
  • Cloverbud Day Camp (grades K-2, Cloverbud Members) – June 17-Alley Park; Cost $25
  • Junior Camp (Grades 3,4,5) – June 20-23-Tar Hollow; Cost $100
  • Senior Camp (Grades 6,7,8,9) – June 30-July 3-Tar Hollow; Cost $100

Registrations are on a first-come, first-serve basis beginning on May 1 and close on May 15, 2023 (or until capacity is met) for program preparations, supply ordering, and to qualify for the Bertha Wilson Campership. Complete online camp registration: go.osu.edu/FCCamp. Have additional questions? Contact the Extension Office at 740-653-5419.

Take a minute to listen into our 4-H Camp Interview with Regan Thomas, Anna Wolfe and Melissa Sponseller on the joys of being a Fairfield County 4-H Camp Counselor!!
