After all of our cold, rainy April weather, I thought it might be interesting to talk about soil temperatures during the month. This entire month has been pretty wet, and cold day at the Fairfield County Ag Center with the outdoor temperature fluctuating around less than 50 degrees most day. Using my inexpensive soil thermometer at several locations around the Ag Center the soil temperature only registered between 45- 47 F. When the soil temperature is less than 50 degrees the crops that will germinate best in those conditions do include potatoes, kale, lettuce, peas, radishes, and spinach. Even though for many of us, would like to have more vegetables planted in our garden by this date on the calendar, the soil thermometer tells us it is just not time yet. For more information on checking soil temperatures check out this link to the CFAES Weather Station and look for the Soil Temperature and Moisture link.