Cohort 3, OSU Visit

On April 14 1st Cohort 3 IMPACT Students were invited to attend The Ohio State University. The students spent time visiting the 11th floor of Thompson Library, and secret rooms in the Ohio Union.  This was an enriching and fun experience for our students!We look forward to working with this group of hard-working students!

Introducing the Final Cohort 3

Now that a handful of more students has enrolled in our third cohort and the school year has really started up, here is the final roster for Cohort 3.

We are excited to have you all participating with IMPACT!



Cindy Chavez

Anais Fernandez

Junior Garcia

Laura Mercado-Barajas

Laura Ornelas

Emily Reza

Manny Rojas

Areli Trinidad-Navarro

OSU Pharmacy Day Field Trip

We had 100% attendance for our field trip on November 26th! IMPACT students got to learn more about potential careers in healthcare related to pharmacy and talk with current OSU pharmacy students. They participated in some activities too, pictured below.

A team of our students (one as patient and one as translator) with a team of third year pharmacy students going over the patient’s diabetic scenario. Students rotated roles several times, with a variety of pharmacists, to get practice at medical translation.
Students checking prescriptions vs. medicine bottles to find the mistakes.

Role Model Event: Valente Alvarez

On December 3, 2018, students were visited by Dr. Valente Alvarez, a professor in OSU’s Department of Food Science & Technology and the Director of the Food Industries Center at OSU. Dr. Alvarez graduated from the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico City, Mexico with a Bachelor of Biochemical Engineering degree, then from Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan with a MS and PhD in Food Science degrees. He now has over 30 years of experience in his area of expertise.

During his presentation, which was given in Spanish, Dr. Alvarez highlighted the importance of education at the college level as well as working hard in high school to gain the best opportunities for college. He spoke about being raised by a single mother with limited resources, yet how being able to succeed in his education led him to professional success. Also, he informed students about the work opportunities in his field.

We greatly appreciate Dr. Alvarez for his enthusiasm in giving his time to encourage and motivate students to pursue further education and sharing about the field of Food Science & Technology!