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Crohn’s Disease Case Study


  • Lauren Gallagher

  • Alexandra Morrow

  • Laura VanSant

  • Blake Wollam

Our rationale for choosing this condition:

Blake: “I chose Crohn’s Disease for this project because I have a loved one who suffers from Crohn Disease. I have witnessed the difficult times that she has experienced and it is something that I am extremely passionate about. I feel I am fairly knowledgeable on this topic after immersing myself into her world and it has allowed me to truly empathize with this patient population.”

Alexandra: “I chose Crohn’s Disease for this group project because I have an uncle who has battled this disorder for years. I have watched first hand how much this disorder affects his every day life and I like to remain educated on this topic in order to help him when he reaches out with questions or support and to also help future patients as an advanced practitioner.”

Lauren: “I have watched my sister battle her Crohn’s Disease since she was 14 years old. I have watched her through the tough times and persevere as she has learned how to properly manage her symptoms and normalize her teenage years as much as she could. I chose Crohn’s Disease because as a future advanced practitioner, I find passion in learning more in order to provide patients like my sister, with comfort and ease through their lifetime with this disease.”

Laura: “I chose Crohn’s Disease because I have a nephew who was diagnosed as a young child, and I have seen him battle with the disease. His mother is a neonatal nurse practitioner. However, even with all her knowledge and access to some of the best providers in the field, he suffered a colon perforation and as a result, has a colostomy. As a child, he had to learn how to care for his stoma and appliance. This has affected his young life greatly, and I wanted to learn more about the disease to have a better understanding of how to care for patient’s like him.”



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