Pollinator Partnership (P2) is seeking volunteers to participate in the Ohio portion of their Monarch Wings Across the Eastern Broadleaf Forest project. Volunteers work with seed collection teams to collect seed from 20 targeted monarch host and nectar plant species.
P2 and partners will be holding a training in Summit County (Akron area) on Thursday, May 31st from 9:00am-noon. If you are interested in becoming trained and assigned to a collection team, please register today. https://tinyurl.com/OhioTraining Registration is open through Friday May 25th.
If you are located within the EBF-CP, but cannot attend the in-person training, and would like to learn about other ways you can get involved with this conservation project, please email Amber Barnes (ab@pollinator.org). Other states also have P2 seed collection projects for those interested outside the buckeye state.
Once volunteers have completed the training, the State Lead in Ohio, Annie Rzepka (arzepka@holdenarb.org) will be in touch and assign volunteers to a collection team. The teams are located throughout northern, central, and western Ohio, following the Eastern Broadleaf Forest-Continental Province (EBF-CP) ecoregion. For more information about this project and a map of the seed collecting regions of Ohio, please visit P2’s webpage at www.pollinator.org/mwaebf. This screenshot shows the Ohio counties included in this project:
Please share this message far and wide. Thanks for helping to spread the word!
Denise Ellsworth, OSU Bee Lab