Debriefing Info

All pod experiments should be contributing to the educational/outreach mission of the pod and fit in with the COSI experience.  We want participants to understand what they did and and what cool piece of language knowledge they just helped to contribute to!

Please check in with your participants after the study and see if the have any questions!  Please offer to answer any questions they have!

In addition, you should have a pod-approved debriefing brochure to give out to all your participants –please use this template.

This brochure will explain your study in accessible language.  It should explain (at least) What your research question is, What participants did in the study, and Why people should care about the results.  In addition, it will provide links and your contact info.

And here are a few samples to look at for what accessible descriptions look like:  Lang-Through-Life and Aspect-Eye-tracking.

All templates should be reviewed by our Outreach Director, Kathryn Campbell-Kibler ( before they are used.