

You know that moment when you have an idea and it hits you like a rocket, after you’ve been in your home for a little too long (say a week), but you’re working on something else so you put the idea on the backburner, where it is meant to simmer and wait but instead it grows and shifts and morphs until you can’t really grab hold of it properly anymore? But, you have to get it out, it needs to come out, so it does – and it is this. I am calling this a sketch of sorts, because this idea is not finished, I just needed to get my hands around it again.

Circles – thinking directionally, there is no progress made by following a line around and around. I’ve been drawn to spirals in the past year, partially because they take the movement of a circle and elongate it so that there is a sense of direction from a certain perspective; a sense of progress. As I spend this time in my home I find all the small senses of progress in my day (a meal, a conversation, a bit of making, a meal, a sleep, etc) are gumming together in my psyche.

All these looping creative and practical daily gestures are spiraling and overlapping; I am circling myself.

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