Scholarship opportunity

ohiostate We are pleased to announce the Tuttle Scholarship competition for Autumn 2016.

Established April 10, 2015, with a gift from Ann Tuttle, the Tuttle fund is used to provide one or more undergraduate scholarships for students enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences who are majoring in astronomy and astrophysics.

Eligibility:  Majors in Astronomy and Astrophysics (including double majors in another discipline) who have demonstrated strong academic performance.  Preference will be given to those who have Junior status or higher.

Funds are paid into the winner’s OSU account, and so eligible students must be able to receive financial aid (i.e., your expenses are not already fully covered by other scholarships).

To apply:  send a 500 word essay to me at  In it, outline your scientific and/or teaching interests, career plans, and explain why this scholarship would be a boost to your undergraduate career.

Deadline:  Monday, November 21.   We anticipate awarding about $3,000 to one more more students, and reserve the right not to make an award this semester.

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