Featured Resource: Student Wellness Center

From time to time, I will highlight a campus resource that might be helpful to you.  Links to these will be gathered in a page called Student Resources, which can be reached in the menu above.

Today’s featured place is the Student Wellness Center.  Their mission is to empower students to strive for balance and wellness.  “Wellness” is an active, ongoing process which involves becoming aware of and taking steps toward a healthier, happier, more successful life.  They provide a supportive and non-judgmental space for students who are dealing with sex and relationships, problems of addiction, body image issues, stress and time management, and many many other things that can interfere with wellness, happiness, and having a sense of accomplishment.

I can speak from personal experience that sometimes it’s really helpful to get some advice from experienced people.  College is stressful enough already, and the burdens we carry (or acquire) can get in the way.  Sometimes even knowing that there’s a name for the feelings you experience can work wonders for your outlook.

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