NASA Climate Change Video:
This video below from NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studios explains the importance of climate change and how scientist have been able to visually see the change over the years. They use the example ‘Honeybees’ as a reference to the extent of climate change via pollination.
CBS News Article:
This article explains how Superfund Sites that were created to hold toxins and waste are vulnerable to flooding and other disastrous hazards due to climate change. The EPA states that over 1,571 Superfund sites are at risk for leaking toxins back into the ecosystem that can continue to do devastating harm to our atmosphere as well as humans and the surrounding site areas.
Above is a screenshot coming from the EPA to show where Superfund Sites are located in the continental US. As you can see, they are mainly along the costal areas where climate change is affecting them greatly and heightening the risk of potential disasters. If sea level rises 3+ feet, 60% of our Superfund Sites will be compromised and the release of toxins into our systems will occur.
The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming
Above is a 5-minute clip of the beginning of his book. I suggest we all listen to it!
Citation: WALLACE-WELLS, DAVID. UNINHABITABLE EARTH: What Climate Change Means. TIM DUGGAN Books, 2019.
Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation:
His foundation, due to climate change, was established “with the mission of protecting the world’s last wild places. LDF implements solutions that help restore balance to threatened ecosystems, ensuring the long-term health and well-being of all Earth’s inhabitants”.
National Climate Change Interpretation and Education Strategy:
Created by the National Park Service, this academic article is here to inform the public about the effects of climate change in our own backyard. They stress the importance of having climate change affect our beloved national parks and explain the goals/approach this article is trying to portray to the public.
Citation: United States. National Park Service. National Climate Change Interpretation and Education Strategy. National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, 2016. INSERT-MISSING-DATABASE-NAME, INSERT-MISSING-URL. Accessed 18 Nov. 2019.