Meeting Minutes

Team meeting minutes 1

Location: Classroom then hallway

Time: 9:00 Am-10:30 AM; 8:30 AM-9:55 AM

Attendees: Erind, Christopher, Adam, Wes.

Topics discussed: Team working agreement was worked on; The initial setup for the AEV was finished; Roles where distributed to everyone after deciding on them. Ideas were initiated by everyone. We decided on everything with a unanimous agreement towards all decision.

Completed tasks:  Finished setting up the Arduino and making sure that everything is connected properly to the board(Wes). Completed scenario one code(Everyone). Deliverables for week one was accomplished(Everyone).

Upcoming tasks: Create sketches on the AEV and start building(Wes). Erind is working on the documenting and Adam is working on the paperwork and the fine print.

Goal for next week: Verifying the functionality of the motors and observing the response to the code.  Create a simple index table for the code being used in the Arduino to upload in the website. Re-position the battery because the board does not fit well. Needs to be stabilized and battery is in the way. Testing the reflectance sensors to make sure they operate correctly, and the team knows how to test them in the future. Review document pages needed for next lab session, ensuring maximum time efficiency.



Team Meeting # 7   

Members: Erind, Wes, Chris, Adam

Date and Time:  02/7/2019 from 8:30 to 11:00

Location: Marion OSU Science & Engineering Building – Room 225


Continue working on AEV and adjusting the model for better efficiency. Talk about completing website update 2 and start discussing the grant proposal for next week. Wes and Erind working on ideas for the new model. Chris gave basics about website update. Adam suggested the arm to be moved for balance.

Completed tasks:

AEV adjusted to recent updates by Wes and Erind.

Power braking and coasting tested(Everyone).

Goal for next week:

Finish the website and start working on the grant proposal due next week.


Team Meeting # 8

Members: Erind, Wes, Chris, Adam

Date and Time: 02/14/2019 from 8:30 to 11:00

Location: Marion OSU Science & Engineering Building – Room 225


Do power brake testing with the new design and compare data from the analysis tool and the Arduino code in order to obtain the most efficient system.

Start thinking about the servo braking system and how to incorporate it in our design, assimilating it without changing the current observed design.

Completed tasks:

Power brake testing performed and more accurate data was obtained from the analysis tool and Arduino code. Erind, Wes and Chris worked on testing.

Created visual graphs for better representation of the data. Adam created various charts in order to compare data.

Started comparing data and making necessary adjustments to the code. (Everyone)

Goal for next week:

Begin working on coasting analysis and thinking about the engineering seminar. Prepare the divisions accordingly to answer the questions provided with brief and concise answers.



Team Meeting # 9

Members: Erind, Wes, Chris, Adam

Date and Time: 02/21/2019 from 8:30 to 11:00

Location: Marion OSU Science & Engineering Building – Room 225


Modify the AEV and remove unnecessary parts to reduce the weight and have it balanced on the track. Increase the efficiency of the code with the new AEV structure and compare the new energy consumption

Completed tasks:

Testing re-done for power braking with newly modified AEV. Comparing data with old AEV structure we decided that modified AEV was better. The code runs smoothly as there is less weight resistance. Erind modified the AEV and did testing with Chris and Wes. Adam created charts with the new data and everyone evaluated the data to decide on next steps

Goal for next week:

Finish coasting testing runs and compare data to decide on braking method. Practice for the committee meeting and finalizing the answers for it.



Team Meeting # 10

Members: Erind, Wes, Chris, Adam

Date and Time: 02/28/2019 from 8:30 to 11:00

Location: Marion OSU Science & Engineering Building – Room 225


Do well on the meeting and incorporate the feedback into our work. Finish coast testing and compare the data obtained. Determine which method is better for AEV. Everyone participated in the meeting.

Completed tasks:

Coast testing completed and the data were compared. By evaluation and decision of the team, the power braking method was chosen for the AEV. Testing done by Erind, Wes, and Chris. Adam created new graphs to compare. Erind suggested that we combine coasting and power braking.

Goal for next week:

Start working on R&D presentation, continue working on Progress Report 2 and start thinking about Performance Test 1.