Final Performance Test

The final performance test was the most challenging for the team. For this test, the AEV had to do the task of performance test one and two. It had to begin at the starting zone, make it to the gate halfway and pause then proceed and connect to the caboose. The new task of this test was to take the caboose back to the gate and pause for seven seconds, then proceed through and head back to the beginning zone and stop safely with the caboose still attached. This test is the one were consistency was the most critical because the slightest error in distance near the beginning of the test would ruin the whole run. Our team had practiced this test over twenty-five times before it was time to present our AEV. When the final test happened, we ran into many errors with consistency and our AEV would not do a single run the same. We learned a huge lesson about checking the reflectence sensor’s readings and assuring they read accurately. Even though the team ran into this error, we still managed to come out with two good runs. Below is our final data for performance test three.