Performance Test 1

During team A’s first performance test, our main goal main goal was to program a functioning AEV (Advanced Energy Vehicle) through an arduino board using propeller thrust. The first target during the test was to go up a hill on the monorail test track, and stop at the gate at the top of the hill. During said test, the team had to learn the basics of coding the AEV’s functions such as certain power supplied to the propellers or braking as well as how to analyze data recorded on the AEV by uploading it to a computer and running it through the provided Data Analysis Tool. During the tests, each team also had to use two differing AEV designs  in order to utilize the more efficient design energy-wise for future tests by comparing data through the Data Analysis Tool. Once the initial setup was complete, team A tested an AEV using a Tee-shaped base with propellers in the front versus back of the AEV base. While the forwards facing design generated more propulsive force, the propellers were also blocking the was for the caboose to attach to the AEV in future tests. Due to this, the AEV with propellers oriented at the back was decided upon for the final design.