Meeting Minutes

Phase One Testing:

Meeting #1


January 17th, 2019

10:00 AM to 10:45 AM

Met in Conference Room

Team A Meeting Notes



Nathan Murphy

Samuel Osei-Safo

Jesse Yochens

Dylan Brown (over GroupMe)


Goal: To get to know other group members, build a team-bond, see what each teammate brings to the table (skill, talent, etc.) that can help with the project, assign basic roles, finalize the team working agreement, and establish next week’s tasks.


Completed Tasks:

  • Jesse, with help from the other group members, completed the team working agreement, and submitted it.
  • Generalized roles were given to each member of the group. Sam and Dylan are going to lead physical development on the AEV itself, while Nathan and Jesse will lead the software/website development.
  • All members will help with the writing and testing of the AEV.
  • The precedence of “all ideas, no matter where they come from, being accepted and talked over,” was set in stone today.
  • Each group member got to know each other fairly well, and a group bound was made.

Future Tasks:

  • It was decided that Nathan and Jesse will deal with the first website update. Instead of splitting the work up and working separately, they decided on meeting one day during the week to work on the web-page’s construction. The group due-date for that assignment is sometime during Wednesday the 23rd.
  • Either Dylan or Sam would write the next team meeting notes (completed before 5:00 PM after meeting).
  • Each group member was also given the task to personally look more into AEV related media outside of what was initially given (YouTube, articles, etc.).


Next Team A Meeting: Thursday, January 24th, starting ~10:00 AM (Conference Room or Collaboration Room)


Meeting #2


January 24th, 2019

8:30 AM to 9:10 AM

Met in Engineering Room

Team A Meeting Notes



Nathan Murphy

Samuel Osei-Safo

Jesse Yochens

Dylan Brown


Goal: Trying to initiate a starting design for the AEV project, as well as assign the roles of notetaker, quality engineer, HR, and public relations. Within this, we also want to assign tasks for upcoming assignments.


Completed Tasks:

  • Narrowed down the design for the initial AEV to Jesse’s and Nathan’s design.
  • Discussed the purpose/use of wings on the AEV’s efficiency. May want to study this later in preliminary R&D?
  • Finalized Jesse’s design, problems of the design seem to be body related. Is this AEV’s body efficient? Curvature of the body seems to be the main issue.
  • Black propellers chosen to be used for his design, as well as the L-shape wheel attachment.
  • It was decided upon that Nathan would be the notetaker for future meetings.
  • Dylan chose to be the quality engineer.
  • Sam also chose to be our HR person.
  • Jesse then chose to work on public relations.
  • Dylan suggested that the body of the AEV should be our main test.

Future Tasks:

  • Progress Report #1 is due the first week of February. Group wants to get it done a week in advance for fine-tuning.
  • Jesse and Nathan will keep updating the website’s look and documentation (graphs included).
  • Sam and Dylan will focus on creating/discussing the initial design sketches for the website.
  • Nathan will work with a majority of the Progress Report #1 writing.
  • Each member will help with problems the other members will have on their tasks.


Next Team A Meeting: Thursday, January 31st, starting ~10:00 AM (Conference Room or Collaboration Room)


Meeting #3


February 7th, 2019

8:30 AM to 9:30 AM

Met in Engineering Room

Team A Meeting Notes



Nathan Murphy

Samuel Osei-Safo

Jesse Yochens

Dylan Brown


Goal: Establishing who will oversee each material for the Website Update #2. Also, trying to decide upon what custom part the team should pitch for the proposal. Finally, how will the group tackle Advance R&D, including the documentation.


Completed Tasks:

  • Advance R&D for Team A will test material of the AEV, and energy analysis. The body shape analysis was also omitted from the testing process.
  • Lab material was collected to establish the appendix for the Progress Report #1. The writing portion was completed already, so edits were only needed.
  • Established proofreading between Team A’s Progress Report #1 and Team B’s.
  • Team decided upon completing each experiment (including documentation) in approximately two weeks even.
  • AEV base model was improved by Jesse.
  • Orthographic views of the concept sketches were improved by Dylan.
  • Decided that we need to invest in different propellers (3 blades) for the AEV.
  • The custom part that was decided upon by the group was a higher quality, 3-bladed model for our AEV. It is the most efficient design, and will interest the other groups.

Future Tasks:

  • Website Update #2 is due Monday, February 11th. Group wants to get this done, by the latest, Sunday night.
  • Jesse and Nathan will be in charge of the Website Update #2, as well as overseeing the aesthetic of the website.
  • Dylan and Sam will be in charge of the proposal for our custom part that was decided upon.
  • Nathan will proofread each of the documents.
  • Documentation will be started the day of the experiment. This way, documentation will be done in a timely manner.
  • Each member will help with the other problems of other teammates that they will have on their tasks.


Next Team A Meeting: Thursday, February 14th, starting approximately between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM (decided upon later due to team constraints) in the Conference Room or Engineering Room.


Phase Two Testing:

Meeting #4


February 20th, 2019

12:30 PM to 1:10 PM

Met in Engineering Room

Team A Meeting Notes



Nathan Murphy

Samuel Osei-Safo

Jesse Yochens

Dylan Brown


Goal: Get a firm start on the material testing lab. Also, to revise the initial team working agreement.


Completed Tasks:

  • Meeting minutes and team working agreement were worked on by Nathan.
  • Jesse programmed the material testing code while Dylan fixated the AEV with the proper material.
  • New guidelines were discussed for the team working agreement.
  • Methodology of the lab design was decided upon by the group: the materials would be compared using power v. distance and power v. time.
  • Computer was giving technical difficulties for the Reflective Sensor Test.
  • Delays for the material testing will fall over to tomorrow’s meeting.

Future Tasks:

  • For Advance R&D II (tomorrow’s meeting), the group will complete the rest of material testing, as well as get a start on the Energy Analysis Lab.
  • Committee Meeting I will be discussed tomorrow as a group. Tasks will be split out accordingly; a practice time will be decided upon for it next week.

Next Team A Meeting: Thursday, February 21st, starting approximately between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM (decided upon later due to team constraints) in the Conference Room or Engineering Room.


Meeting #5


February 20th, 2019

8:30 AM to 9:30 AM

Met in Engineering Room

Team A Meeting Notes



Nathan Murphy

Samuel Osei-Safo

Jesse Yochens

Dylan Brown


Goal: Review and submit the revised team working agreement to Carmen. Also, to finish up the material testing lab (finializing any necessary data). Finally, to divide the team for the committee meeting #1 (assigning each member to the respective questions).


Completed Tasks:

  • Meeting minutes were worked on by Nathan.
  • Team working agreement was reviewed by each team member. Each signed the document; agreeing to its terms and conditions. The agreement was then submitted to Carmen.
  • Sam was keeping notes on specific qualities that were observed for each material; these notes will be used in further documentation.
  • In order of testing for material (2 times each): ABS plastic, wood, acrylic, control (base AEV model).
  • Each material was graphed via Power v. Distance & Power v. Time.
  • Committee meeting roles were divvied up:
    • Dylan and Sam will be focused on R&D.
    • Nathan will be in charge of PR.
    • Jesse will be in charge of  HR.

Future Tasks:

  • Questions for the first committee meeting will be reviewed (with answers practiced) by Wednesday, February 27th.
  • Both tests will be completed (not including documentation) by Tuesday, February 26th.
  • Documentation for Advance R&D will be started on Wednesday, February 27th.

Next Team A Meeting: Thursday, March 7th, starting approximately between 9:30 AM and 10:00 AM (decided upon later due to team constraints) in the Conference Room or Engineering Room.


Meeting #6


March 7th, 2019

8:30 AM to 9:10 AM

Met in Engineering Room

Team A Meeting Notes



Nathan Murphy

Samuel Osei-Safo

Jesse Yochens

Dylan Brown


Goal: Finalize Energy Analysis graphs; making them presentable for Advance R&D presentation. Create and decide upon two AEV designs for Project Testing, as well as complete the first Project Testing. In addition, create internal due date for assignments due after spring break.


Completed Tasks:

  • Meeting notes were completed by Nathan.
  • Dimensions for custom blades from Grant Proposal were finalized by Jesse. Was sent to the 3-D printer to be created for the AEV.
  • Data for Energy Analysis was finalized and presentable for the Advance R&D presentation by Nathan.
  • Dylan and Sam worked on changing the AEV design to the first Project Testing. The design was akin to Nathan’s original sketch. A new sketch will be created for presentation purposes.
  • Also, a new T-shaped design was finalized as the second choice for Project Testing. A new sketch will be created for presentation purposes.
  • For the Project Testing, the group decided upon measuring energy consumption.

Future Tasks:

  • Servo braking will be attached tomorrow.
  • Jesse and Nathan will work on Website Update #3 over break. The goal will be to complete this update immediately after the other two assignments are done.
  • First priority is to complete the presentation slides for the Advance R&D presentation. The group will work on this on Google Slides, and transfer the final product to Power Point. The target date will be Thursday, March 14th.
  • Progress Report #2 will coincide with the presentation. The appendix will be completed on Monday, March 11th. The entire writing will be completed on Friday, March 15th. This will be completed by the entire group.

Next Team A Meeting: Monday, March 18th, starting approximately between 9:30 AM and 10:00 AM (decided upon later due to team constraints) in the Conference Room or Engineering Room.


Performance Testing:

Meeting #7


March 18th, 2019

8:30 AM to 9:00 AM

Met in Engineering Room

Team A Meeting Notes



Nathan Murphy

Samuel Osei-Safo

Jesse Yochens

Dylan Brown


Goal: Get a great start on Performance Test 1.  In tandem with this task, servo braking will be tackled. Also, review and finalize Progress Report 2. Finally, discuss topics in relation to the AEV project (due dates, tasks, structures, writings, etc.).


Completed Tasks:

  • Meeting notes were completed by Nathan.
  • Nathan also reviewed and finalized Progress Report 2, making sure everything was complete and ready to turn in.
  • Servo braking was completed by Dylan and Sam. This was a necessary step to complete the trial run for Performance Test 1.
  • Jesse and Dylan worked on formatting the Appendix in Progress Report 2; making sure everything was presented in the correct structure.
  • Sam noted that the Servo braking would have to be completed before any Performance Test could be completed. This led to some delay in the meeting tasks.

Future Tasks:

  • Advance R&D slides will be finalized by Tuesday night (March 19th). A team meeting will be scheduled that Wednesday (March 20th) to practice for the presentation.
  • Nathan and Jesse will work on Website Update 3. A company meeting will be scheduled to correct the entire website, making sure everything is consistent.
  • Performance Test 1 will be completed by the end of the week.

Next Team A Meeting: Thursday, March 28th, starting approximately between 9:30 AM and 10:00 AM (decided upon later due to team constraints) in the Conference Room or Engineering Room.


Meeting #8


March 28th, 2019

8:30 AM to 9:00 AM

Met in Engineering Room

Team A Meeting Notes



Nathan Murphy

Samuel Osei-Safo

Jesse Yochens

Dylan Brown


Goal: Get a great start on Performance Test 2. Also, the team wanted to finalize the website for Website Update #3. In tandem with this, Team A wanted to work with select members of Company Scarlet to create a more cohesive home page.


Completed Tasks:

  • Meeting notes were completed by Nathan.
  • Nathan worked on the website. He focused on finalizing the presented data, the diction of choice, and overall aesthetic of the developing website.
  • Dylan and Sam worked on configuring the AEV for Performance Test #2. They focused on taking data from the first Performance Test; structuring the code and build to fit these points of interest.
  • Jesse worked on developing two codes for Performance Test #2.

Future Tasks:

  • The Dropbox of all of Team A’s data and documentation will be completed the morning of Thursday, April 4th. Jesse and Nathan will complete this task.
  • Performance Test #2 will be completed at least a day before Monday, April 8th. The entire team will meet outside of class, if necessary, to complete this goal. The morning of the test, Team A will meet to test the scenario; fixing any bugs that are noticed.

Next Team A Meeting: Thursday, April 4th, starting approximately between 9:30 AM and 10:00 AM (decided upon later due to team constraints) in the Conference Room or Engineering Room.


Meeting #9


April 10th, 2019

8:00 AM to 9:00 AM

Met in Engineering Room

Team A Meeting Notes



Nathan Murphy

Samuel Osei-Safo

Jesse Yochens

Dylan Brown


Goal: Work on Performance Testing for the AEV; making sure it can perfectly run the second test (at a consistent amount). Also, to work on documentation for various tasks due in the coming days. Finally, to establish roles for various upcoming events.


Completed Tasks:

  • Meeting notes were completed by Nathan.
  • CDR & Progress Report 3 were formatted by Nathan and shared to each group member. Tasks were divided up evenly for each writing assignment. Each assignment was designated to get done at least 2 days ahead of the due dates respectively.
  • The Final Presentation for the project will be led by Sam and Nathan. It was also chosen to be completed at least 2 days ahead of the due date.
  • The Final Website Update for the project will be led by Dylan and Jesse. It was also chosen to be completed at least 2 days ahead of the due date.
  • The team conducted a reflectance sensor test to make sure that the sensors were still viable for the AEV. It was found that the sensors were faulty; they were replaced.

Future Tasks:

  • Final Performance Test is on Monday, April 15th, which the group will meet earlier that morning to conduct any final evaluations.
  • Budget Constraints will be completed by Dylan right after the Final Performance Test.

Next Team A Meeting: Thursday, April 17th, starting approximately between 9:30 AM and 10:00 AM (decided upon later due to team constraints) in the Conference Room or Engineering Room.