
Prototype 1 (Harley): Magnetic Oven

This magnetic stovetop is designed for stability. Every surface of a pot or pan has a strong magnetic bottom that corresponds to a magnetic force of the stovetop. With the push of a button, the user can turn the magnetic surface on which allows pots and pans to stick to the stovetop. This allows the user to stir or rotate food without having any issues and also helps with safety since the stovetop is hot. When the user is done cooking they simply turn off the magnetic surface and take the pot or pan off the stove smoothly.

Prototype 2 (Josh): “Swiss” Arm Utility Extension

This “swiss” arm is created to assist in day-to-day operations in the kitchen. It’s added benefits included stability and time-efficiency. By connecting a sleeve with a compartment to connect to one’s arm, the product becomes an extension. It has miscellaneous modules that, when connected, allows one to cut, chop, hold, scoop, wash, and more. More so, the product, along with its modules, will be entirely machine washable.

Prototype 3 (Gloria): Hands-free sink

The “Hands-free” sink allows amputees to operate it without having to set down their dishes or cups. The motion sensor under the cabinet door activates the sink to turn on when the individual is 6 or less inches in front of the sensor.  To turn off the sink, simply walk away and it will automatically shut off. To turn the sink off manually, simply touch the faucet. The “Hands-free” sink allows amputees to be more time efficient and safe.

Prototype 4 (Christian): Modular Non-slippery Memory Foam Cutting Board

Full set: Cutting board and modules                           Using the memory foam and non-slippery properties to chop                                                                                                                     ingredients with stability and control


Easy to operate modules

Module 1: Grater                                                 Module 2: Peeler

Since it is non-slippery it can also be used for added
stability at the moment of washing the dishes.


The Modular Non-slippery Memory Foam Cutting Board is multipurpose kitchen utensil that also facilitates tasks for people with one arm. First, since it has a non-slippery surface combined with memory foam technology. Things that are put on top are not going to move easily, so people will only need one arm to cut. Second, people can add-on modules to help with other kitchen tasks like grating or peeling things that usually would take two hands. Because the cutting board is holding the utencil stable. you only need one hand to do the work. Lastly, because the cutting board is non-slippery and can hold objects pretty good, it can also be used at the moment of washing the dishes. The cutting board will hold the dishes still while people use their hand to do the cleaning.