Backwards Looking Summary


Labs 8 a,b and c consisted of redesigning the body of the AEV, designing wings and programming the software for the test runs on the rail.  The team tested their vehicle on the track multiple times to identify which portions of their code would need the most attention. They also attempted to assemble their craft for the first time. In lab 8b and c, the wings were designed and an attachment was designed for the AEV body.

Results and Analysis

The AEV body was redesigned in Lab 8a to complete the visual looks of the AEV and to make larger holes for the servo motors. In the printed version the holes were not large enough, therefore, during Lab 8b the holes were filed and the servo motors were installed. The team also had issues with their sensors not relaying the correct amount of marks. To fix this issue, the team needed to scale the number of marks up by a large number to travel the distance that they intended. They also discovered they needed to allocate more space for their wires to travel through.


The team learned that they will likely need to file their servo motor hole instead of trying to guess the scale of their printed model. They will also need to more or less “guess” the correct number of marks needed, as their sensors are incorrect.

Tables and Figures

There are no relevant tables and figures.

Forwards Looking Summary


In lab this week, the team will continue to work with the AEV, mainly focusing on getting the code to perform properly and testing the wings of their craft. The group will develop a strategy for programming the AEV to complete the full operational objectives. The team will also determine the overall operational characteristics. The lab will be the Performance Test 2. Finally the team will discuss the necessary tests needed in order to complete the scenario and testing/programming strategies to accomplish the goals.

Weekly Goals and Schedule

The team will continue developing their code, particularly their stopping points and testing their AEV design. The team will complete their Preliminary Design Report.

Date Due 3/23 3/28
Task Progress Report PDR
Team Members all all