Design Process

Lab 01: Arduino Code Basics

Lab 1 consisted of getting familiarized with the AEV setup, motors and software. The team created two codes to practice the Arduino commands.

In the next lab, the team will delve into the commands for the Arduino sensor and how to use them to travel a pre-specified condition. The team will also explore the efficiency of the Arduino propellers using a wind tunnel.

Full Progress Report

Lab 02: External Sensors & Systems Analysis 1

Lab 2 consisted of testing propeller efficiency and exploring the Arduino commands related to the wheel sensors. The team collected information from a wind tunnel, including RPM, speed, and thrust. The team also calculated input and output powers and efficiency. The team also  construted a sample AEV to test the new Arduino commands.

In the next lab, each team member will create their own AEV design, and the team will make some design decisions.

Full Progress Report

Lab 03: Creative Design

Lab 3 consisted of time to allow the team to brainstorm ideas for the design of their AEV. Time was first spent by individuals to begin creating their own designs. The team then came together and compared their ideas and decided on a preliminary design. Together, the team decided that they would create the Winnebago from the movie Spaceballs.

Full Progress Report

Lab 04: Systems Analysis

In lab 4, the team ran their AEV with a simple program on the track. The collected data was then downloaded into MATLAB and the team created a program that would convert the data into physical parameters. Then the data was downloaded into a given program which converted the data for the team. This lab will help the team to better understand the energy efficiency of the vehicle.

Full Progress Report

Lab 05: Concept Screening and Scoring

During lab 5, the team evaluated the designs that they created in lab 3 using concept screening and concept scoring. They selected criteria based on what they found important to include in their final design, which included, balance, efficiency, and Arduino access. The team again selected to move forward with the Winnebago design.

Full Progress Report

PT1: Work Week 1

During the first work week, the team mainly focused on developing an initial code and printing off pieces for their AEV craft.

Full Progress Report

PT2: Work Week 2

Work week 2 consisted of the team running their prototype on the track and troubleshooting some pieces of their design

Full Progress Report

Preliminary Design Report

PT3: Work Week 3

This week consisted of the team finalizing a prototype code and attempting to attach the servo motor to the wing of their craft. They needed to create a new wing during this week.

Full Progress Report

PT4: Work Week 4

Work Week 4 saw the team assembling the remainder of their vehicle and troubleshooting their hardware.

Full Progress Report

Critical Design Review