Charge & Committee

The goals of the Teaching and Learning Summit and following convenings are to:

  1. To address the overarching question: how does The Ohio State University, as a leading research institution, continuously demonstrate its commitment to, and enhancement of, its teaching and learning mission?
  2. To serve as an initial discussion of the current status, and issues related to the further development, of the teaching/learning mission, including:
    1. Identification of best practices and issues
    2. Provide evidence for how students learn
    3. Consideration of how to address year-long learning
  3. To begin to outline a process for, and the central components of, a potential University-level Teaching and Learning Institute.

Planning Committee

A 12-member faculty committee, led and supported by the Office of Academic Affairs, developed a day-long Teaching and Learning Summit on May 13, 2015. Fifty faculty, from across academic ranks, academic units, and representing varying instructional formats will participate. The Planning Committee will serve as the core team taking the ideas from the campus community and distilling these into a proposal for the Institute.

Institute Advisory Council

More than 40 educators gathered for the Summit and have been invited to serve on the institute advisory council. The Advisory Council serves as a sounding board, idea generator, and critique as the concept for the Institute is developed. This Council will build and strengthen the Institute by reaching into the teaching and learning community across our campuses to understand the needs of our faculty.

  • Rebecca Andridge, Public Health
  • Robert Birkenholz, Agricultural Communication, Education & Leadership
  • Katey Borland, Comparative Studies
  • Jacob Boswell, Landscape Architecture
  • Bear Braumoeller, Political Science
  • Kristine Browning, Nursing
  • Teresa Burns, Veterinary Clinical Sciences
  • Christopher Callam, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Ann Christy, Food, Agricultural & Biological Engineering
  • Ted Clark, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Linda Daley, Nursing
  • John Davidson, Germanic Languages and Literature
  • James Dial, Management and HR
  • Kyle Ezell, City and Regional Planning
  • John Fellingham, Accounting & MIS
  • Lisa Fiorentini, Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • James Fowler, Mathematics
  • Liv Gjestvang, Office of Distance Education and eLearning
  • Rob Griffiths, Office of Distance Education and eLearning
  • Terry Gustafson, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Andrew Heckler, Physics
  • Teresa Johnson, University Center for the Advancement of Teaching
  • Susan Jones, Educational Studies
  • Ruth Kinder, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Lima campus
  • Deborah Larsen, Health & Rehabilitation Sciences
  • John Maharry, Mathematics, Marion campus
  • Linda Martin, Animal Sciences
  • Debra Moddelmog, English
  • Stephanie Moulton, Public Affairs
  • Darla Munroe, Geography
  • Sheryl Pfeil, Internal Medicine
  • Maria Pruchnicki, Pharmacy
  • Anne Ralph , Law
  • Stephanie Rohdieck, University Center for the Advancement of Teaching
  • Mark Ruegsegger, Biomedical Engineering
  • Wayne Schlingman, Astronomy
  • Carolyn Skinner , English, Mansfield campus
  • Terrell Strayhorn, Educational Studies
  • Mazeika Sullivan, Environment & Natural Resources
  • Richard Swenson, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Elizabeth Weiser , English, Newark campus
  • Patricia West, Marketing & Logistics
  • Norah Zuniga-Shaw, Dance