
DRAE’s Syllabus-Sharing Project

This is a resource by the Drug Policy Alliance in their Department of Research and Academic Engagement where academics from various disciplines can share and view each other’s syllabi. Those who are interested can request access to the private drive and submit their own syllabi to be included in the drive as well.

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Safety First

Safety First: Real Drug Education for Teens by the Drug Policy Alliance is the nation’s first harm reduction-based drug education curriculum for young people in the United States. The free curriculum consists of 15 lessons that can be completed in a 45- to 50-minute class period.

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Matters of Substance

This educational video series by the Drug Policy Alliance is designed to explain complex drug policy issues to a general audience. The series is comprised of five 60-second videos that give an introduction to overdose prevention centers, methadone and buprenorphine, their drug education curriculum Sa­fety First, drug checking and drug decriminalization.

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Decriminalization Exchange

This interactive resource by the Drug Policy Alliance shows state-by-state overdose rates, drug arrest rates and decriminalization laws. Users can select a specific state to explore its laws, arrest rates, overdose rates, legislation and the actions they can take to support decriminalization.

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Uprooting The Drug War

This project by the Drug Policy Alliance maps the impacts of the drug war in housing, education, public benefits, child welfare, immigration and employment systems. The website includes historical reports, one-pagers, advocacy assessment tools and stories.

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Fees, Fines, and the Funding of Public Services: A Curriculum for Reform

“Knowledge of subnational systems of taxing and budgeting and of fiscal policymaking processes can be put to use to reduce and to end governments’ reliance on user fees for courts and for other aspects of criminal systems. This reader aims to help experts in public finance to understand the misuse of court-based assessments which are regressive revenue streams….  These materials interact with ongoing seminars, sometimes virtual, to link people experts in public finance with their counterparts seeking to reform unfair monetary sanctions. Through monographs such as this, we hope to support work underway to shape just and equitable revenue-generation mechanisms that avoid imposing harmful costs on vulnerable individuals, families, and communities.”


Seminar: Drug Law Enforcement and the Bill of Rights

Abbreviated syllabus and reading list for Drug Law Enforcement and the Bill of Rights Seminar taught by Dr. Sarah Brady Siff at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law. The seminar offers a constitutional legal history of drug control in the United States.
