Survey: Phases II and III

Adding the Teacher’s Voice to Research

– Accepting Registrations!


Online Survey If you are a teacher (current or recently retired or left the profession within the last five years), we hope you will consider completing the Teacher-Student Relationships Teacher Perspective Survey (TSR-TP). The TSR-TP is the measure that will be developed from the teacher perspective provided by the Phase I focus groups to evaluate the personal, professional, and system factors that affect teacher-student interpersonal relationships.

Participation requires registration (3 minutes) and a commitment of 10 minutes to complete the survey in late March and early April 2023.

Participants will be assigned to complete the survey measure for either Phase II or Phase III of the study. Phase II is complete, Phase III is now open. You will receive notification of which phase you are assigned in January 2023. Please check back here for updates.

Those completing the TSR-TP Survey may enter a drawing for a $100 gift card (two gift cards will be awarded for Phase II and two for Phase III).

Please consider sharing this opportunity with others!


To register, please visit the link below:

Survey     or    Survey QR Code


If you have any questions regarding participation in this research, please contact